Vinay Mhaske
  • 4/5
A visual masterpiece

This isn't gonna go the way you think it is going to go. This is the biggest takeaway from this movie. One double twist to another. This is the most different star wars movie but at the same time the most star wars movie ever. Things go in a dark direction compared to Awakening. There is some appropriately used comedy to balance that so that where the Finn Character comes in along with the porks . This is the heaviest movie thematically in the franchise, the use of color red throughout. A visual masterpiece. the CG looks amazing there are some crazy space battles, Jedi fights. Rain Johnson did a amazing job directing the actors and the technical stuff. Every character has a Arc no one is same at the start of the movie this is very rare in a franchise film. longest star wars films . I won't call it the greatest star wars movie but it is an excellent film
