Maxie The Movie Person
  • 3.5/5

It collapses midway and takes around 25 minutes to piece itself back together, it has a few groan-worthy "wink-wink" jokes about the Obamas' future and by casting Parker Sawyers as America's last president the ears joke has wasted potential.

But heck, I simply cannot dislike this bearing in mind that there won't be a film like it for any other political figure in the next four years. Right now, it explores the background of a nation-changing romance and teaches it with marginally more ingenuity than just acting it out event by event, and with more genuine chemistry than a certain other biopic about a black leader whose romance redefined a "united" country.

Because, well, the closest we could get to a biopic of this caliber of sincerity on Donald Trump would be anything but cute. In fact, it would be America's Downfall. God forbid we get a biopic trying to find any kind of humanity in his family life, or it literally would be America's downfall.
