Sherlock Review

Ankur Pandey
  • 5/5

An Awesome series the best part about the series is it has not religiously adopted everything from the books yes there is no doubt to it that sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a genius writer and an Inspiration to many detective books but then the freshness of the plot and the today era Sherlock Holmes is beautifully justified by Benedict Cumberbatch and the best part about this series which makes it better then any other Sherlock Holmes Production is Dr. Watson is not underrated his character is justified . the relation between Macroft and Sherlock is a Brothorly chemistry to watch ,to all those who think they have read the novel and so it's not worth there time, trust me you are missing something amazing it's a sherlock Holmes of 21st Century who owns a mobile writes a blog and by the way you can go check there blogs too BBC has created it more realistic and at the same time at it's chore is the same sherlock Holmes with the same super logical abilities

he is the our very own same master of the science of deduction who by looking at your watch can tell you that where you last travelled or by looking at you nails tell you how frequent you smoke or by looking at your wrist tell if you are a porn adict or not(men's would understand) so it's worth your time

I promice you not even a single second of dullness while you watch shelock
