Saw 3D Review

Pratik Singh
  • 2.5/5

The Saw franchise has been deteriorating since the first movie at a rapid pace. The first film had Jigsaw putting two men into a situation where they would have to do something to survive. Each had an opportunity to survive and it was a test (a brutal one) to force that person to do something to change their way of life and move forward. Saw was not about guts and gore. Along came the usual Hollywood B.S. and Saw degraded into another hack-em/slash-em franchise. Everything is designed to show more ingenious ways to kill someone with a huge lack of storyline. The thing that bothers me the most is how innocents are now being killed left and right. How one person has to save others or they die and that other "victim" has no opportunity to save themselves or an explanation why they are there without a way to redeem themselves. The latest installment has an innocent wife being part of the butchery for no reason. The essence of the movie is gone and it is just another teenage hack-me-up movie.
