Dhobi Ghat Review

Kuldeep Singh
  • 4/5
Beautiful and Poetic

I don't know why this movie is receiving such negative reviews. This movie is very fresh and calm.

There is the story of

Yasmin - the lonely housewife. She is a simple and innocent girl put into a new life in a big city. She portrays a brave front but is completely lost and alone. You only realize at the end that behind those beautiful eyes, was a hidden lonely struggle which had a tragic ending.

Munna, a simple, resourceful and hardworking lad - a dhobi from the slums.

And Shai, a rich, intelligent and creative young Indian girl brought up and probably born in America.

And then there is the artist. He too is lonely in spite of having people around him. Probably looking for something real. He finds that in the smile of that sweet innocent girl who he cannot get enough of.

Munna and Shai come from totally different worlds but have a connection or rather an understanding. He may have very little education and a slum boy, but he had integrity, intelligence and a wonderful heart. They both knew they had no future, but they both cared for each other deeply.

Direction and screenplay are amazing. They connect audience with the character so easily. MUST WATCH. GO FOR IT.
