Lolita Review

Deepannita Sankretik
  • 4/5

I still remember the day I had first watched the movie, Lolita, and by the end of the movie, I was in tears..

It begins with the story of a man, Humbert Humbert, who was in search of a house to live, when he finally comes to house of a widow. And then, in the garden, he looks at a beautiful girl.. There she was, beautiful and young, with all the innocence in her life. Looking at her, he immediately remembers the love of his life, the girl whom he had loved when young. It seemed as if he had found her in Lolita.

In order to stay with Lolita, Humbert marries her mother who eventually dies and Lolita's custody is now with him. Meanwhile, he starts abusing her. But, even though they start by hating each other, they do not leave.

But with time, the distance between them grow. Years later, he meets her who is married and pregnant. He remembers then about the playwright, Quilty,who had written the drama of which Lolita was a part of in her school. Quilty had abandoned her after inflicting a lot upon her. Humbert , therefore, goes to kill him in order to free himself of the guilt of the pain he had inflicted upon Lolita throughout.. Some call him an abuser, but, maybe, somewhere, deep within, he loved Lolita, just as he once had loved when he was young, or may much more! But, had he treated her differently, maybe, they'd have been together!

This movie has a tragic end and one realizes how time flies and that nothing is in our hands except our own actions. Maybe, that's why they say, actions speak louder than words!

We may spend our entire lifetime telling someone we love them or telling ourselves we love someone, but at the end, it's how we treat them, matters. It makes all the difference! Because time will away, and maybe, we may never get a second chance!

This movie is a must watch but since it is an adult movie, a lot of maturity and emotional intelligence is required to grasp every ounce of it!
