Maxie The Movie Person
  • 5/5

This film has still not made it to any other screen in the UK since its premiere at the London Film Festival that I had no idea about, but recently a good friend told me that with my special little Chrome app I can go to Netflix, switch it to the Canadian region and watch it straight from there. This friend of mine loved Jodorowsky's Dune, as did another, but another friend of mine pretty much despised it and so did the guy whose Letterboxd review got the most likes out of any.

Jodorowsky's Dune is a similar experience to Persistence of Vision - the films involved in both these documentaries had the most ambition of any films of their kinds and yet Hollywood spoiled their dreams. And it's no wonder - Alejandro Jodorowsky's vision of Frank Herbert's novel was all craziness for 12 hours - it could have been even more confusing than what David Lynch shat out eventually.

But having seen The Holy Mountain, the whole vision for the story expressed in this film pulled me in as much as it did the people involved; it may have ended up style-over-substance, but I'd take a 12 hour mess-terpiece over the loudness of the final, 137-minute product any day. Oh, with all this overblown ambition he was a nutcase. A highly intelligent nutcase. But that's what makes him and this undeniably lovable.
