  • 3/5

This London set Romantic Comedy has some enjoyable moments. It's very different for a Bollywood film -- no parents or extended families, just a large group of friends working and living together. Sid's number is accidentally posted on a Suicide hotline flyer but when one girl calls he keeps her on the phone all night. Night after night they talk, and one day she comes into the book shop where he works. He carries on a double life, encouraging her on the phone to meet and make new friends. Madhavan has an extended cameo as her arrogant ex-boyfriend.

John Abraham is incredibly sweet in this wearing glasses and just as I was thinking how he was acting like a bumbling Clark Kent, the joke was made in the movie. There were some enjoyable twists in the script, too, but some of the acting was just not the best. Enjoyable just to see Madhavan and John Abraham play very different roles than their usual ones.
