Interstellar Review

Jitesh Dugar
  • 5/5
Don't leave your brain at home

I felt like a kid watching this movie. Wanting to ponder over whatever memory I had remaining of physics. It felt like being lost in a different world. Very rarely have there been movies that have so much intellect. Christopher Nolan has craved it to perfection. This is a must-watch for all school kids, definitely makes you realize the beauty of physics.

Well, at some point, I thought the movie was nonsensical. But, that was because of my lack of knowledge on physics (never really liked that subject very much :P ) Later, I learnt from my friends about how things were moving, I was amazed to learn that. This movie makes you think, think harder.. !! And, rightly said - 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.' - That describes the movie so aptly.
