Imperfect Review

  • 3.5/5

'Imperfect' a bittersweet slice of life web series that stars Samridhi Dewan, playing Isha Sanghvi. Isha Sanghvi is an urban, pretty young girl who’s not having the time of her life. Her boyfriend breaks up with her, she loses her job and her life is a general downturn. Isha has to come to terms with the reality as well as the fact that life is full of imperfections. Aiding her on this journey is a 55 year old sassy life coach, Simmy, who teaches her self-worth and love. Isha’s character is very relatable. Just like her, we’ve all had our own perceptions of life – a well-thought dreamy fairy tale story with a royal romance – and then reality hit us hard, which we dealt with by making up scenarios in our heads where our badass alter-egos bravely faced the baddies of life. Isha’s messy life is something we can all relate to. The show takes us on a journey through the realities of life. It is an interesting take on the imperfections in life, and it also talks about the importance of loving oneself.

Although the show has a lot of dramatic effects, it is still a realistic storyline which increases the relatability quotient. The script is well-written and the hilarious one-liners will definitely bring out a chuckle every time..Samridhi Dewan does a great job of bringing out the comic elements and creating an emotional connect with the audience.

Susmita Mukherjee is absolutely hilarious as the sassy life coach, Simmy. Chaitanya Sharma, who plays Aditt, has done a pretty good job as well. The supporting cast has also performed really well.

Hilarious Show, Entertaining Storyline and Relatable Characters. Definitely worth watching!
