Ice Age Review

Pratik Singh
  • 4.5/5

is simply a remarkable film - captivating the soul and essence of the entire population of the globe. All several billions of them.

This is a story of sheer love and coming to grips with understanding for the people who love to offer love - in all it's forms.

The entire structure of this fine developed film is that the beauty of love - herein described as simply put - lust uninhibited will prove that beyond our inhibitions, there is something more....something giving and true that will embrace the world with all it's splendour and truth.

Feel emotion come from your inner reaches as the dialogue spark such insight and inspiration to bring on such presence that only a true artist speaking such words can emote.

What you have here in story blends with true realism that not only is the words spoken pure fulfilment to the ears, but also the carefully constructed acting techniques and filming styles immerse you into something so deep and centred that to not see this in it's entirety is simply to miss out on a masterpiece.
