Aakarsh Nair
  • 4/5
Hilarious and Enjoyable

22 Jump Street (2014) is directed by Phil Lord and Christopher MIller. It is often seen as a sequel to the movie 21 Jump street.

After the successful accomplishment of their mission in 21 Jump Street, Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are put back on their normal duties. However after failing a mission on the streets, the duo are put back to work under Capt.Dickson and are given an assignment to find a drug dealer at a college.

As they move into the college, they are mesmerized by the college life. Jenko befriends Zook and Rooster. Schmidt isnt accepted by Jenko's pals. Schmidt befriends an art student, Maya, who later turns out to be Captain Dickson's daughter.

The duo completes the adventurous mission successfully killing the villain.
