• Air date: 23 Sep '09 12 episodes
      Leina is walking outside of town when she encounters Melona, and tells her she is going to defeat her for attacking travellers. Melona taunts Leina for being such a weak fighter, and says she only wants to fight decent warriors as she is a participant in the Queen's Blade, a tournament held every four years to decide who is going to be the next Queen. Risty is watching the battle from the sidelines, and just as Melona is about to kill Leina, Risty intervenes and saves her life. Soon after, Nanael appears on the battlefield, hoping she found a potential battle, only to find the place deserted. Risty tends to Leina until she recovers and takes her as a prisoner back to Vance Castle to recover the bounty on her head. When Risty arrives at the castle, Claudette appears and arrests Risty for being a thief and imprisons her in the castle's dungeon. However, Risty escapes and steals the Vance Family's heirloom breastplate. She hides in Leina's room and gives Leina the armor, then leaves, encountering...
  • List of Episodes (12)
    • 1. Assemble! Queen's Blade

      24 Sep '09
      Nanael is reassigned by the Head Angel to compete in the Queen's Blade as punishment for failing her prior assignment. Heaven suspects something is wrong with Queen Aldra. Everyone is looking for residences in Gynos: Tomoe with Shizuka, Ymir with Cattleya, Alleyne with Nowa, Nanael with Melpha, and Elina with Claudette. Echidna is there as well, and confronts the rogue assassin Irma. Melona tries to take things into her own hands and assassinate Aldra, but is turned to stone by Aldra's power.
    • 2. Smite Evil! An Unexpected Battle

      01 Oct '09
      Leina is having trouble finding accommodations until she mentions she is in the Queen's Blade, and the greedy hotel manager rushes to fill her order and ends up rooming her with Echidna. Tomoe and Shizuka meet Melpha, and Tomoe admires her for dressing more appropriately than other competitors. It is revealed that Nyx used to be a maid for the Vance Family, and was treated cruelly by Elina. Aldra wants a new servant to lead the Assassins, and sends a fake letter to lure Risty to her palace. Once
    • 3. Fiery Passion! Ignited Karma

      08 Oct '09
      It is revealed that Nyx is enslaved to a tentacle demon lord named Funikura, who has given her magical fire power, yet often molests her with its tentacles. Elina realizes that Nyx is a coward without Funikura, and tricks her into relinquishing it, upon which Nyx surrenders. Risty is revealed as the new leader of the Assassins of the Fang. Aldra turns Funikura to stone, saying that old demons should not wander free. Nowa gets lost in the Gynos marketplace and is almost raped by a gang of street
    • 4. Showdown! Mutually Seeking Bonds

      15 Oct '09
      Irma refuses to help Echidna, so Alleyne and Nowa resolve to pick them off one by one. Echidna's past is revealed. Echidna manages to trap Alleyne in a pitcher plant, then to pin Nowa. Alleyne breaks free and takes the initiative against Echidna, but Irma appears, threatening to kill the trapped Nowa and forcing Alleyne to surrender. Leina brings her sword to Cattleya for repair again, while Ymir's attempts to sell weapons go unnoticed in the market. Cattleya states her resolve to reunite her
    • 5. Strategy! Royal Palace of Lament

      22 Oct '09
      Ymir uses the fact that her bout is being broadcast to advertise the effectiveness of her weapons, especially since Leina is using a Cattleya weapon. Leina emerges victorious, however. Lana is hanging on to Cattleya during her fight with Airi, but actually proves to be helpful as Airi cannot bring herself to kill him. Cattleya is winning when she sees that Owen is frozen inside one of the stones in Aldra's "Palace of Grief" and breaks down crying, conceding defeat. Aldra promises to reunite
    • 6. Complication! Changing Premonition

      29 Oct '09
      Claudette and Menace are fighting in a desert, giving Menace the upper hand. Her sand attacks confuse Claudette, and she uses cursed attacks to drain Claudette's strength. It begins to rain, however, which weakens her sand attacks, and Claudette emerges victorious. Menace is later turned to stone by Aldra, who says that ancient things should stay in the past. The first round is over, with Risty advancing by some unexplained method, and Nanael advancing because her foe (presumably Melona) did not
    • 7. Freeze! Circumstances Beyond Calculations

      05 Nov '09
      Irma looks for an opening to strike in her fight with Risty, and finds one when Risty starts having flashbacks to her old, righteous self. However, Irma misses in her killing blow, and is defeated instead. Echidna retrieves her afterwards, and the two depart together. Elina shakes Tomoe's resolve by calling her a hypocrite in regards to how she can call herself righteous while killing people. Tomoe tells Elina she has formed a bond with Leina, since they shared food and shelter on their journey,
    • 8. Shameful, Shudder! Fighting Angel

      12 Nov '09
      Airi and Nanael are both desperate to finish the match quickly, as both are starving, and begin to fight in earnest. Airi weakens Nanael by causing her to spill more of the sacred milk, which spills onto some of the petrified people in the palace. Airi runs out of time because it has been too long since she has consumed vital force and due to her desire not to do so in front of Lana, and Airi disappears. Aldra is visibly disturbed by the spilling of the sacred milk. Lana has lost another
    • 9. Innermost Feelings! Duel At Vance Castle

      19 Nov '09
      Claudette and Risty are fighting in the courtyard of Vance Castle just as Vance's army is leaving in his bid to overthrow Aldra by conventional military force. Claudette is initially victorious, knocking out Risty with a lightning bolt. She tries to dissuade the Count from his attempted overthrow, saying that it will only breed war across the continent, and reveals that Lady Maria, Vance's wife and her adoptive mother, told her to heal Vance's pain if she did not return from the Queen's Blade,
    • 10. Cherished Desire! Reason For Fighting

      26 Nov '09
      Nanael is drinking milk to drown her sorrows at the bar where Nyx works, and Nyx tells her of the rumor about the horned monster seen in the woods. Nanael thinks it might be Melona, and goes to seek her with Melpha. She instead finds Tomoe in a dangerous mood. Elina returns home after Claudette tells her that she is the only one of the three sisters capable of serving Count Vance any more, as neither Claudette nor Leina have the will to. Nanael tries to get Leina to ambush Tomoe in the forest,
    • 11. Duel To The Death! Culminating Showdown

      03 Dec '09
      Tomoe demands to know why Aldra had the Kouma Ninja attack Hinomoto. Aldra says that she has been searching for her sister, and Hinomoto is the only area outside of her rule. She says burning the country to the ground would be worth it to find her sister. Aldra's past is revealed: she and her sister were outcasts for being of mixed demonic descent, and were forced to wander. Her sister mysteriously disappeared one day at the edge of a forest, and Aldra, in desperation, found a spirit without a
    • 12. Ambition! Successor to the Throne

      10 Dec '09
      Nanael makes her report to Heaven, where the Head Angel determines that Aldra has made a pact with Delmora, a fallen angel. The final battle begins, with Aldra proving to have overwhelming power. She eventually kicks Leina in the neck, making her collapse. Risty appears at the arena and cheers Leina on, causing her to get back up. Leina shows that she has adopted many of her old foes' techniques as she hits Aldra with Claudette's Thunderclap Strike and Tomoe's Warrior Kick. Just as Leina has the