• Air date: 03 Oct '84 22 episodes
      Charles in Charge is an American sitcom series starring Scott Baio as Charles, a 19-year-old student at the fictional Copeland College in New Brunswick, New Jersey, who worked as a live-in babysitter in exchange for room and board. Baio directed many episodes of the show, and was credited with his full name, Scott Vincent Baio. It was first broadcast on CBS from October 3, 1984 to April 3, 1985, when it was cancelled due to a struggle in the Nielsen ratings. It then had a more successful first-run syndication run from January 3, 1987 to November 10, 1990, as 126 original episodes were aired in total. The show was produced by Al Burton Productions and Scholastic Productions in association with Universal Television, and distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution and New Line Cinema Corporation.
  • List of Episodes (22)
    • 1. Pilot

      03 Oct '84
      Scott Baio stars as Charles, a nineteen-year-old college student and live-in family helper to three energetic children on the pilot episode of MCA TV International's ""CHARLES IN CHARGE."" The story was written by series producer Michael Jacobs and directed by Alan Rafkin. Jill and Stan Pembroke are a working couple whose uncertain schedules propel them into hiring a nineteen-year-old college student, Charles, to move in and help them with their three children: Lila 14; Douglas, 12; and Jason,
    • 2. Extracurricular Activity

      10 Oct '84
      Charles is put in the awkward position of helping and encouraging Lila, Jason and Douglas to seek out new and exciting extracurricular activities. The end result is that Jason dreams of soccer stardom; Lila sees herself as a cheerleader; and Douglas eyes the school band specifically the triangle instrument. Jason returns home battered and bruised and not on the team, Lila does have the cheerleader personality, while Douglas made the school band and gets to play the triangle. Stan and Jill are up
    • 3. Another Saturday Night

      17 Oct '84
      Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke are spending the evening out and Charles is baby-sitting. He is busy preparing for Gwendolyn's visit, with whom he plans to study. Buddy shows up unexpectedly and wants to go to The Lamplight with him to look at girls. After all that is what guys should be doing on a Saturday night.. Gwendolyn is enraged when she finds out that Charles occasionally hangs out there with his friends. Buddy and she argue heatedly and it just makes matters worse. Meanwhile the children Lila, J
    • 4. War

      24 Oct '84
      The Wilsons would like to hire a young lady to take care of their children. Mrs. Pembroke suggests that she spend some time with Charles to see if she's up to it. Much to Charles' embarrassment, Jane (Meg Ryan) turns out to be a very pretty girl who has heard many great things about him. The kids do not usually manage to get into big fights. But because Jane believes that they should settle their differences their own way, things get completely out of hand. This time their fight escalates into
    • 5. Cousin Elliott

      07 Nov '84
      Charles comes home triumphant from a softball game. He is so happy with life, his job, school...Lila is getting ready for a survival trip to which Douglas was hoping to go also, all hidden in her duffel bag. Unexpectedly cousin Elliot shows up at the Pembroke house. His ideas of how to deal with children, what is permissible and what is not, does not necessarily coincide with Charles' opinions. The children drink coffee, overeat on ice cream to the point of stomach aches, Elliot even plans to ta
    • 6. Slumber Party

      14 Nov '84
      Charles and Gwendolyn had a fight over something rather trivial, and suddenly he feels he doesn't want to deal with the whole WOMEN issue. He's had it with women! He looks around the Pembroke house and realizes that Lila is having all her girlfriends over for a slumber party. He is trapped in the house full of women, and although Buddy drops in and has agreed to stay with him, they are outnumbered. When he and Buddy finally escape to his room to be alone, they find that they are not alone there
    • 7. Discipline

      21 Nov '84
      Stan Pembroke comes home expecting Jill to be dressed and ready to go to the Vice Presidents reception but the Pembroke home has suddenly turned into "Little Crisis Central". Lila and Douglas brought home grades from school that they are not very happy about. Even Charles and Buddy are grumbling about too much homework and too much pressure. Jill feels that she cannot just walk out of the house and leave the children without at least talking about their individual problems, but Stan maintains th
    • 8. Trick or Treat

      28 Nov '84
      In Charles estimation, Diana Marks is a classy lady, and she has agreed to go on a Halloween date with Buddy. They had only talked with each other for a few minutes and suddenly Buddy is worried that Diana won't like him when they have to spend the evening together at the annual Halloween party given by a classmate. Buddy doesn't want to disappoint her, and he is worried that she might consider his costume not original enough. Charles is trying to be a good friend and agrees to meet Diana at the
    • 9. A Date with Enid

      05 Dec '84
      Charles has his hands full. It is pouring rain outside and everyone in the Pembroke household is confined to the house. Stan gave everyone assignments, and he is trying very hard to catch up on all those things that get postponed. There is the fireplace that needs cleaning, the bathroom that has to be re caulked. However, all these projects get interrupted when Douglas thinks he has found the love of his life in Enid, Lila's friend. The two young girls are very busy with Enid's beauty treatment.
    • 10. Friends And Lovers

      12 Dec '84
      Charles and Gwendolyn decide that college itself puts enough pressure on them and they do not need the additional ones of a serious relationship. There will be plenty of time for that once they have graduated. Charles explains to Stan and Jill Pembroke that, since they are so secure in their relationship, it will only help them appreciate each other more if they go out with other people. Then Gwendolyn has to cut her chemistry studying time with Charles short because she has been asked out on a
    • 11. Home for the Holidays

      19 Dec '84
      It is Christmas Eve and the Pembroke household is buzzing with activity. Grandma Irene, Stan's mother, is expected for her yearly three-week-stay with her grandchildren. Jill is cleaning an already immaculate house and wonders why her mother-in law's visit still upsets her in the same manner it did fifteen years ago! Charles is trying to console Jason who is depressed and sad to see him go. Charles plans to go home for the holidays; he will spend his vacation with his parents in Vermont. The pho
    • 12. Accidental Puppy

      26 Dec '84
      Charles, Buddy, and Gwendolyn have just returned from two days camping out in line for tickets to a Bruce Springsteen concert. They feel that it was a worthy life experience spending the night with fifteen thousand people sleeping with their heads on the curb, but it did not get them tickets to the concert. They still would give a lot to get tickets but how? Charles is still occupied with his problem when Jason and Douglas come in the back door carrying the dog. They blame each other for 'killin
    • 13. The Commotion

      02 Jan '85
      Charles is pushed for time; the strain shows on his face; he has to meet a deadline for his school paper. His scholarship depends on it, and he has been assigned to write the paper with someone -- his friend Buddy Lembeck. He needs to concentrate, but the noise around him is deafening. Lila has a loud conversation with her girlfriend on the telephone. Stan and Jill are arguing, and Jason and Douglas are trying to put it on tape. Furthermore, Buddy shows up and tells Charles that he has finished
    • 14. Mr. President

      16 Jan '85
      Charles can't find anything wrong with having a little fun in college, but Gwendolyn has a different opinion. She feels that whoever becomes class president will have an effect on campus life for the rest of the year! Why should Elliot Pembroke be able to turn college into a 'fun-till-you-drop' circus? Gwendolyn urges Charles to run for president against the fun-loving Elliot because he is running unopposed. Furthermore, the person running for office should be bright, caring, and responsible --
    • 15. Jill's Decision

      23 Jan '85
      Charles has a million things to do before he meets Michelle Harris for coffee at the Lamplight. He hopes she will agree to have dinner with him soon -- maybe that night? Since Jill is suddenly called oh a special assignment that goes with the promotion to arts and fashion editor, Charles has to watch the children for the rest of the day. That means he will not be able to take Michelle out to dinner, but Buddy comes up with an excellent suggestion -- Buddy will pick up the seafood dinner at the r
    • 16. Pressure from Grandma

      30 Jan '85
      Charles is in charge of the Pembroke children when their parents are off on a week's vacation in Jamaica, their first one without the kids. Grandma Irene also arrives to help take care of things. She brings with her a very innovative sample of merchandise, a new kind of pizza, which she plans to launch with Charles' assistance. The offer she makes him is very tempting and Charles almost accepts it but backs out in the end, realizing that he does not need a new job. He has one already that brings
    • 17. Snowed In

      06 Feb '85
      Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke went to the movies and, on their way out to the car, they realize that in the meantime an incredible blizzard hit the city, leaving them unable to return to their home. There, Charles, the kids plus a bubbling group of Lila's girlfriends are trapped with no food in the refrigerator and no heating. Gwendolyn and Buddy come to Charles' rescue to entertain these starving kids and teenagers with a game of monopoly and some scenes of "Romeo and Juliet" which need to be rehearse
    • 18. Charles 'R' Us

      13 Feb '85
      No matter how hard Charles and Buddy try, between them they do not have enough cash to even think about going out on dates. There has to be a way for them to make some extra spending money. Buddy's idea of finding household helpers and training them, then placing them for a small fee may be the answer to their cash shortage. What if they could offer somebody with the Good Charleskeeping Seal of Approval? Who would be better suited to find other Charles' than Charles himself? Buddy and Charles se
    • 19. Charles' Spring Break (A.K.A.: The Last Resort)

      20 Feb '85
      Charles and his friends, Buddy, Gwendolyn and others, save and scrape together as much money as they possibly can to spend a few days of rest and relaxation in sunny Florida. But unfortunately, as it often happens, all sorts of unexpected problems come up just before they leave and it seems that, once in Florida, Charles cannot get off the telephone with Douglas. The poor kid has fallen prey to a "junior blackmailer" and is in desperate need of money.
    • 20. The Wrong Guy

      27 Feb '85
      Charles and Buddy are excited about their very first bachelor party. At the same time, a young man whom her parents cannot stand has asked Lila out. Lila is quite desperate to date him and asks Charles for advice and for approval. Unfortunately, his support backfires on them. Lila tries to make her parents see how phony the other guy is they want her to date, and that the young man of her own choice is not trying to impress them with all sorts of lies he is honest and sincere. Douglas also has s
    • 21. Mr. Brilliant

      13 Mar '85
      Jill Pembroke gives Charles two tickets for a Knicks' game. Charles is so excited about this special treat, and because Mrs. Pembroke always does such thoughtful things, that he thinks of a way to do something special in return. In a conversation with Buddy, the name Max Ziegler comes up. It does not mean much to Charles, but it does to Jill. Max and her went to high school together and she has been following his brilliant career ever since graduation. She thinks of him as a genius and Charles d
    • 22. Meet Grandpa

      03 Apr '85
      As usual, the Pembroke house is buzzing with activity. Charles and Buddy are trying very hard to find themselves summer jobs and are ecstatic when their summer job applications are accepted by a hotel at a summer resort in Pennsylvania. Jason, in the meantime, is brought home by his parents after undergoing knee surgery. At the hospital all he did was watch soap operas, which now affects his life in a very dramatic way. Douglas is trying to change his image of "skinny kid" by putting on some wei