The HitchHikers Guide to Modern Day Entertainment

By Abhinav Joshi | 873 |

I think that media that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex. – Kurt Vonnegut

The Technology Renaissance: How it is shaping consumption and creation!

The pace at which technology is getting entwined with our daily lives is thought provoking. Even In developed nations, where the adoption of new tech is gradual it is incredible to look back on past 20 odd years and how the definition of normal evolved. For developing countries in Asia and Africa where a phenomenon of leap-frogging technology is evident, e.g. from 2G to 4G, a 90s kid would have experienced it all. From black and white TVs and being used as a remote by parents and elder siblings for appointment based viewing of television to an age where content is both created and consumed at a breakneck pace via multiple mediums. Arguments between parents and teenagers were common when using dialup internet made landlines unusable to place or receive a call. Kids today don’t know the intimate relationship between a pen and a cassette tape or why people use the phrase “hang-up the phone.”
Circa 2017: The Force is with the Web and Internet now!

Start watching more than 40 web series

The Idiot Box disrupted: How the web is fast rising first choice of youth!

From a simplistic view-point, the choice available has increased manifold. It is the most obvious manifestation of the new wave of personal entertainment. From mythological stories and grandiose daily soaps where every dialogue is followed by 15 close-up shots and interspersed with advertisements (of close up probably), now the shows focus on relatable situations and relatable depiction of the same. Let me be clear, I have fond memories of weekly gatherings to watch one hour of my favourite show and also there have been many hugely-popular shows. However with changing times, the TV has reduced to become only one of the many mediums. Also, the market has expanded and social media has enabled consumers to have a say.
The TV itself is becoming ‘Smart’ but the style, manner and content remains stuck in past. No TV channel can satiate all your viewing requirements. Lot of advertisements break the user’s interest and this is important in today’s world where so many things demand and require attention. Big budgets, beautiful cinematography, people uncomfortable with new tech, slow broadband ensure that TV as we know it is not going to die soon but this is the age of personalised content delivered at your convenience on the go.
Popular Norwegian web series Skam (US remake - Shame) is only promoted on the web and is a mix of traditional drama and a blog and the characters (not the actors themselves) on the show have real Instagram accounts with millions of followers. Individual scenes from the web series last up to three minutes and are broadcast daily at different times before they are compiled into longer 15- to 25-minute episodes every Friday.
KO!: The Web has taken over TV in major areas of content consumption

Indi-Web 2.0: Uncensored, Empowering at the same time Relatable and Fun!

We all have some favourite TV shows but it’s hard to relate on a real level as our lives in India are different from what is depicted in foreign shows. Indian youth is busy, mobile and somewhat lonely and we want to spend our limited leisure time which makes us feel a part of it on an emotional level. The six minute speech by Naveen Bansal in Pitchers or the relatable humour of Tech Conversations with dad or the events in Permanent Roommates hit close to home. The examples don’t just stop here, the small town girl in Mumbai of Girl In The City or the Startup scene in India in Baked or satire in What the Goat or the crazy pains in Indian corporate world of Official Chukyagiri. These web series and many more are created exclusively keeping the consumer in mind and yet not pandering to any particular segment.
They are original, relatable, time efficient, realistic dialogue (read - swear words in common use), and you can watch as and when and where you want, and hence their increasing reach and huge popularity.

But do we have a common platform to discover, watch, rate and discuss your new favourite web-series?
WEB 3.0 : The Youth has its voice now and his/her tastes and choices are his/her own now

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The Author is a self-proclaimed mascot of United Nations of Procrastination. When he is not reading books or watching TV Series, he likes to write and discuss politics, economics and love.