• Air date: 04 Sep '99 67 episodes
      Van discovers a Zoid Organoid in an abandoned laboratory while running from two strangers piloting Zoids. Also in the laboratory, in an animated suspension tube is a strange girl. He breaks the tube open and takes her and the Organoid with him. The girl, who says her name is Fiona, wants to find something called "Zoids Eve", and so Van, the Organoid Zeke, and Fiona begin their adventure.
  • List of Episodes (67)
    • 51. The Boy from the Ruins

      02 Sep '00
      After fighting the Geno-Breaker and falling over a cliff into a river Van washes up in a shore. Irvine, Thomas, Fiona and Moonbay start looking for Van, and had been searching for hours without a trace of him, the Blade Liger nor Zeke. Fiona sensed that Van is in a valley, hurt and unable to move for the time being. Irvine and Thomas go into the valley, Irvine spots the Blade Liger and Zeke but no sign of Van though. Then Zeke tells Fiona the cockpit flew open and Van fell into the river. Van,
    • 52. Van's New Power

      09 Sep '00
      After captureing Captain Sephers and healing, Van and the newly repaired Blade Liger were ready for some action. The Blade Liger repairs were all completeled. Van did a test run with the Blade Liger, and it turned out the Blade Liger was feeling kind of sluggish. Van found out after Dr. D explained to him, that all the motion systems were worn out on the Blade Liger when came here and it also seems that Van has been running the Blade Liger well beyond its capabilities, so now the Blade Liger isn
    • 53. Phantom

      16 Sep '00
      After pulling out the full potential of Zeke and the Blade Liger, the Blade Liger has reached its absolute best under the piloting of Van. A couple of people were conspiring to kill Emperor Rudolph and were caught and placed under arrest. Phantom, the assassin they hird is very notorious and he has never missed his intended target or given up on an assignment. When he receives an assignment he carries it out to the very end. Van and Thomas find out the plot to kill emperor Rudolph will be
    • 54. G-File

      23 Sep '00
      After taking down Phantom, before he can kill Emperor Rudolph, Captain O'Connel and Colonel Herman are looking at the remains of the Gun Snipers that Van destroyed. Thomas and Bic were looking around at the place where the Geno-Breaker was first born in search of Residual Radiation.They are wondering how a Gun Sniper could change shape with just fusing with an organoid. Colonel Shoobaultz made it at the Dragon Head Base and they all including Thomas made it to the briefing. Dr. D started the
    • 55. Supersonic Battle

      30 Sep '00
      After somehow defeating the Whale King, Van and Thomas find themselves in a mystery. Some people are stealing zoid parts which are still being developed. The weapons have their clear advantage, after finding it out against a couple of Hel Digunners. Meanwhile, a Gustav carrying stolen zoid parts from both respective nations stops after it drops some of its cargo. Irvine piloting the Lightning Saix sees they could use a hand and jumps out offering assistance. Irvine finds out what they are
    • 56. Cerberus

      07 Oct '00
      A lone Iron Kong moves to a place with windmills. 3 Saber Fangs appear and declare the Iron Kong's pilot guilty. The Iron Kong fires at them but they disappear. Suddenly a giant zoid with 3 heads appears, Cerberus. It fires at the iron kong and defeats it. Its 3 creators laughed as the iron kong burns. Meanwhile, Thomas briefs Van and Fiona about the Trinity Ghost, a group responsible for the attack on zoid pilots. unknowned to them they are being watched by the trinity ghost, and they declare
    • 57. The Nightmare

      14 Oct '00
      Van, Irvine and Thomas are making some adjustments to the Attack Booster. It seems they attack booster can be upgraded to make the Blade Liger go several times faster. Which would increases the chances of defeating the Geno-Breaker. In some cliffs, Hiltz and Ambient are about to release an ancient type of zoid. At the base, Fiona senses the heat signature of this crude zoid and rushes off. Then Hiltz reports to the Dark Kaizer as Hiltz is talking to the Dark Kaizer, Raven drops in on Hiltz and
    • 58. Attack of the Winged Dragons

      21 Oct '00
      A lone Iron Kong moves to a place with windmills. 3 Saber Fangs appear and declare the Iron Kong's pilot guilty. The Iron Kong fires at them but they disappear. Suddenly a giant zoid with 3 heads appears, Cerberus. It fires at the iron kong and defeats it. Its 3 creators laughed as the iron kong burns. Meanwhile, Thomas briefs Van and Fiona about the Trinity Ghost, a group responsible for the attack on zoid pilots. unknowned to them they are being watched by the trinity ghost, and they declare
    • 59. The Capital Collapses

      28 Oct '00
      After making a direct hit with the surface and surviving the Hammer Kaizer destruction, the Death Stinger made its way to New Helic City. At traveling forty km per day, it would make it to the Capital with in two hours. The evacuations of the Republic were mostly complete, only the South and West sectors remain. Emperor Rudolph reassures the president, the defense forcees of the Empire will be arriving to give assistance, among them will be Colonel Shobaultz Armored Panzer Division. Colonel
    • 60. The Giant Fortress

      04 Nov '00
      After retreating from the doomed Capital, the Republican and Imperial Forces have been going to Windean Lake. This is where the Republican's Secret Weapon, the Ultrasaurus was resting. A last ditch strategy they will use to defeat the Death Stinger is under way. They are planning to awaken the Ultrasaurus, a heavy carrier zoid, which would provide them with cover and fire power to take on the Death Stinger. Colonel Herman believes there is only a 50% chance the Ultrasaurus will awaken. Van talks
    • 61. The Naval Battle

      11 Nov '00
      After the Ultrasaurs had awoken and made it to sea as it starts out for the journey to the Empire, Van and Irvine start engaging the Helicats and start taking them one by one until the Death Stinger charged its Charged Particle Beam. Van and Irvine, knowing the power of the beam, turned around started to run. As the Charged Particle Beam made its way toward them, both the Blade Liger and Lighting Saix kicked into their boosters and started to run as fast as their zoid's capacity. the beam was
    • 62. The Gravity Cannon

      18 Nov '00
      The Ultrasaurus arrives in an area where there are a lot of islands and finds the one where the gravity cannon is ready to be installed onto it. Krueger is taken to Guygalos to recover and rest, and Rudolf arrives. Then everyone looks at the gravity cannon, and are surprised at how huge it is, but they have to equip it on the Ultrasaurus quickly or the enemy will find them. Meanwhile, Hiltz has arrived in the islands and sends lots of Sinkers to find the Ultrasaurus. At a meeting, Dr. D explains
    • 63. The Final Battle

      25 Nov '00
      The gravity cannon is ready to go up against the Death Stinger, the only problem is that they must get the Death Stinger to hold still long enough for it to feel the full impact of the gravity cannon. The decision to use the delta formation is used. Once the Death Stinger is in sight Van, Urvine, and Thomas leave in their zoids leaving Van as the back point of the triangle. They manage to get the delta formation completed, only this time when the get into the formation it creates a pyramid
    • 64. The Ancient Memory (1)

      02 Dec '00
      Just when you thought the nightmare of the Death Stinger is over, it gets renewed. The episode starts off with the Death Stinger being destroyed by the gravity cannon, but just when everything seemed to be over, Ambient appears and fuses with the destroyed Death Stinger, reviving it. Van and Irvine tried to make a attack, but the DS burried itself into the ground, and went attacking the Ultrasaurus, which injured Dr. D. Also, Raven runs up to Shadow, who thought Shadow would be pleased to see
    • 65. Zoid Eve (2)

      09 Dec '00
      Finally, in this episode, all the mysteries that have been unanswered are finally revealed, along with the true identity of the Dark Kaiser. This episode explains what Zoid Eve really is, and at the end of this episode, Van gets ready to start fighting Hiltz in his Death Stinger again.
    • 66. Endgame (3)

      16 Dec '00
      The final battle between Van and Hiltz has arrived, but Fionna keeps seeing Prozen. Reece, flying on Specula, appears in front of Prozen (Raven, Reece, and their organoids were awakened when Fioana opened the gate to Zoids Eve). It's obvious that Reece is no longer taking orders from the Dark Kaizer. Just when the evil man is about to give her one of his energy blasts, Raven appears in the Genobreaker. They exchange angry words, and Prozen sends 3 Genosaurs to attack. Reece watches tearfully
    • 67. Return to Tomorrow (4)

      23 Dec '00
      In the Final Episode, Van and Raven give it all they got to defeat the reserected Death Saurer. Hiltz is on a rampage blasting away with the the Sauer's Charged Particle Beam. To destroy the Death Saurer, Fiona and Zeek were prepared to sacrifice themselves to destroy Zoid Eve. Doing so, all of the Zoids on Zi would be destroyed. Van stopped them, exclaiming that he could destroy it, by launching him self from the Gravity Cannon on the Ultrasaurus! The energy shield was destroyed by Raven, with