An excellent series exploring the dark hallways of IIT coaching institutes held together by convincing performances.
Laakhon Mein Ek is a 6 episode web series streaming on Amazon Prime Video created by Biswa Kalyan Rath and starring Ritvik Sahore.
The series begins with a reluctant Akash Gupta who is forced into IIT coaching by his father. He is quickly sucked into the world of equations,theories and tests which he despises and soon realizes this is not what he wants. How he escapes this sticky situation forms the crux of the story.
The one thing that this series nails is the realism and the relatability factor in its scenes. You actually feel Akash’s suffering.You sympathize with his helpless situation and cry along with him. The screenplay and direction brilliantly highlight the dark and depressive atmosphere of the IIT coaching classes. The series will connect to a lot of the current generation kids and will make them question the education system. The series is filled with great performances,relatable dialogues and deft direction.
Lakhon Mein Ek is a must watch for both students and their parents!
A largely satisfying gangster saga coupled with raw filmmaking and praiseworthy performances.
Sacred Games is a perfect example of what a group of amazing filmmakers like, Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane can do when they don’t have to constantly worry about their scenes or dialogues getting censored. This is what full creative freedom can do. Because this genre has never been explored so freely and so well. It’s dark, violent, gruesome and beautiful. It also covers mature themes like violence and nudity with great nuance and perfection.
The show’s highlight is the performance of Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Ganesh Gaitonde who is reveting as the dreaded gangster.He makes you feel terrified of him while subsequently making you cry too.The show houses a sprawling narrative filled with a variety of characters and perfectly cast actors. The writing is praiseworthy as it easily weaves an engaging, coherent story involving a large number of subplots. The show is filled with violence and doesn’t hold back in its abuse-ridden dialogues.
Sacred Games is probably India’s most bold series in the streaming industry and is an absolute treat to watch.
The story of the show unfolds in a rewarding, almost-unpredictable manner. It swiftly moves through all the 8 episodes. The pace never slows down and you never get bored but the downside to this is that you may sometimes feel exhausted because of zero breathing space. Things are building up and falling apart instantly and it’s all just pure chaos, but then again that’s exactly the nature of the show. It also helps you emotionally connect with the protagonist, Ronny bhaiya instantly and keeps you invested throughout. The plot unfolds in a very smooth way, nothing feels like it’s forced upon the timeline.
Zakir Khan's charm saves this largely amateur series from falling apart!
Strictly a one time watch!
A funny,relevant and a brilliantly conceived mockumentary which a serves as an effective social commentary.
Better Life Foundation is a mockumentary style comedy series which is streaming on Hotstar.Its about the people involved in an infant NGO and the problems they face on a daily basis.
This is the first mockumentary series made in India and the team has to be lauded for using it efficiently. The series is genuinely very funny and is filled with a lot of subtle jokes and smart dialogues. The performances by Naveen Richard (who also co-wrote the show) and Sumukhi Suresh are the main highlights as they steal every scene they are present in. The writing is top notch as it also acts as form of social commentary. The series covers a lot of issues like open defecation in slums, financial scams and the struggle of infant NGOs.
An excellent script coupled with a pitch perfect execution makes Better Life Foundation a mandatory watch.
A marvelous premise let down due to a narrow narrative and cliched horror tropes.
Ghoul is set in an unspecified dystopian future where sectarian violence is at its peak. Terrorism is spreading within the nation and the government takes strong measures to curb it immediately. Mysterious detention centres are set across the country where suspected people are interrogated and ‘cleansed’ of their anti-nationalistic behaviour.
The story begins with Nida Rahim who is recruited in a detention centre because of a ‘sacrifice’ she made for the nation. The centre soon gets a new prisoner called Ali Sayyed, a top-level terrorist with a dark secret within him, which leads to a supernatural turn of events in the facility.
The series has a terrific premise but the director skims through all of the rich possibilities and chooses to focus on the people-trapped-with-a-ghost trope. With such great actors on board, we expect some depth for the characters but here they are largely one dimensional with no likability factor. Considering the long format of storytelling, the director chose we don’t get much to bite into. Though judging on the technical front, the cinematography and sound design are perfect and add to the creepy mood of the series.
Being a supernatural-horror thriller, the series fails to evoke any kind of fear.
Better characters and a well fleshed out story would have made Ghoul a more satisfying watch!
A well written,hilarious series dealing with Indian marriages and the issues it brings along with it.
A well written series exploring the world of the standup comedy community.
An heartwarming take on the importance of siblings and family in contemporary times.