Pritish Murgan
  • 4/5

An excellent series exploring the dark hallways of IIT coaching institutes held together by convincing performances.

Laakhon Mein Ek is a 6 episode web series streaming on Amazon Prime Video created by Biswa Kalyan Rath and starring Ritvik Sahore.

The series begins with a reluctant Akash Gupta who is forced into IIT coaching by his father. He is quickly sucked into the world of equations,theories and tests which he despises and soon realizes this is not what he wants. How he escapes this sticky situation forms the crux of the story.

The one thing that this series nails is the realism and the relatability factor in its scenes. You actually feel Akash’s suffering.You sympathize with his helpless situation and cry along with him. The screenplay and direction brilliantly highlight the dark and depressive atmosphere of the IIT coaching classes. The series will connect to a lot of the current generation kids and will make them question the education system. The series is filled with great performances,relatable dialogues and deft direction.

Lakhon Mein Ek is a must watch for both students and their parents!
