Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is an absolutely excellent film, The script is phenomenal and enthralling and the dialogue is so gripping and impactful. I love music and the music in this film is also great but the best thing about this film is the incredible performances, Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman are outstanding and both deserve an Oscar for this film, The supporting cast is great too and everyone in this clearly gave it there all. This is a beautiful film and one of the best from 2020.
Juliet reviewed Tenet
I didn't see Tenet in theatres just to be on the safe side since my boyfriend has diabetes and is in the risk group so I didn't watch it for the first time until a few days ago and I must say for a Christopher Nolan film this was a little disappointing. Tenet is definitely an ambitious film and it does get many things right but overall this was a bit to much for me, I didn't understand what was going on until halfway through and when I started catching on I had a difficult time getting fully invested, Now don't get me wrong this film is still really good and the action sequences are phenomenal, The visual effects are stunning and the inverted scenes are definitely fascinating, The acting is also really strong and Robert Pattinson is in my opinion one of Hollywood's most underrated actors, Tenet is a confusing mess of a film and like I said I did struggle being 100 Percent invested but Tenet is a really good time and without a doubt one of most gorgeous looking films of 2020.
Juliet reviewed Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
After watching the disappointment that was wonder woman 1984 going back and re visiting this one was much needed. DC have a lot of weak films in their catalogue but wonder woman is a true exception besides the third act everything here is perfect and its one of the best superhero films of the past decade. Patty Jenkins was the perfect director for this film her visual style is breathtaking, The cinematography and set pieces are gorgeous and so many of the action sequences are incredible to watch. The cast is exceptional with Gal Gadot being the clear stand out her performance is so full of passion and life and she truly captures the power and heart of this character, Chris Pine is so charming and he easily gives one of the best performances of his entire career and his chemistry with Gal Gadot is excellent. If it wasn't for the third act this film would be perfect but unfortunately the third act does bring the film down a bit as the story takes a bad turn and the CGI becomes a complete mess that being said the disappointing third act isn't disappointing enough to ruin how incredible everything else in the film is and in my opinion this film is a must see.
Juliet reviewed Soul
Pixar did it again
Pete Doctor and Pixar have done it again, Soul is a magical and beautiful film that deals with a really important subject with such authenticity and heart. Jamie Foxx was the perfect choice to voice our main character his performance is full of passion and he delivers every line perfectly, Tina Fey is so likeable as 22 and her performance is so charming and memorable. The characters in soul are amazing, Joe and 22 are fleshed out so well and I really related to both of them, Their friendship is beautiful and its developed perfectly throughout the film. Soul is also beautifully animated everything is so colourful and lively and not a single shot looks bad in the entire film. Soul has equally funny and heartwarming moments, the scenes between Joe and his mother felt real and I loved everything about their relationship, The scene were Joe is playing the piano and remembering his life had me in tears and the entire third act of the film is just perfect. The film has many good jokes and almost everything 22 said during the 1st act had me laughing and the scene at the barber shop was hilarious. I honestly cant think of a single thing I didn't love about Soul it was just perfect and everything I could have hoped for. Please go and watch it.
Juliet reviewed Elf
A Christmas classic
I first saw Elf in 2005 and I have loved it ever since, Will Ferrell is not an actor I always enjoy but this is easily the best performance of his entire career, He is so charming and likeable as Buddy the elf and everything about his performance is brilliant. Elf is a film with many, many flaws and some of the jokes are way to silly for me but I still watch it every single Christmas and I have never not enjoyed it and laughed hysterically, John Favreau has directed some great films and Elf is definitely among his best its just so much fun to watch and sometimes that's enough not everything has to be perfect to make a great film. The film is not only hilarious but it is full of heart and the relationship between Buddy and his father is great. If you are one of the few people on earth who hasn't seen Elf go and watch it. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas this year and I hope everyone has an even better 2021.
A big disappointment
What a big disappointment wonder woman 1984 is. This film is extremely cheesy and it just didn't work for me, Gal Gadot is amazing as wonder woman and some of her acting is truly phenomenal in this film especially in the third act where she actually made me cry is one scene, Kristen Wig does a very decent job as Cheetah and Pedro Pascal is good in here too but his character is completely forgettable and is completely forgotten about for a long period of time. The film is way to long and so many scenes so easily could have been cut out entirely and the first act takes a while to get going. The film has so many subplots and many of them don't fit together in the same film its just so messy and annoying. Most of the visual effects a great but others look so terrible I couldn't believe it. this film is just so disappointing especially considering how great the first one is, It definitely has some great moments and the cast is phenomenal but other than that I honestly didn't find much to enjoy here.