  • 2.5/5
A big disappointment

What a big disappointment wonder woman 1984 is. This film is extremely cheesy and it just didn't work for me, Gal Gadot is amazing as wonder woman and some of her acting is truly phenomenal in this film especially in the third act where she actually made me cry is one scene, Kristen Wig does a very decent job as Cheetah and Pedro Pascal is good in here too but his character is completely forgettable and is completely forgotten about for a long period of time. The film is way to long and so many scenes so easily could have been cut out entirely and the first act takes a while to get going. The film has so many subplots and many of them don't fit together in the same film its just so messy and annoying. Most of the visual effects a great but others look so terrible I couldn't believe it. this film is just so disappointing especially considering how great the first one is, It definitely has some great moments and the cast is phenomenal but other than that I honestly didn't find much to enjoy here.
