JVan reviewed On My Block
On My Block is a show consisting of 3 seasons the lastest being released this year.

This show unfolds at a Hispanic and Black neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles. Monse, is the girl who hold the friend group together and still struggles with the fact that her mom left her when she was three. Jamal mostly comes off as pretty weird all the time with a fear of dying while playing football. Ruby is the groups short friend who has disturbing sexual habits and last but not the least Cesar who's part of the Santos gang that's being run by his elder brother Oscar. Together they not only face the normal teenage problems like school drama and heartbreak but also go on an adventure to seek burried money, hiding from people who want to kill them, losing Friends on their way and eventually getting ragged into doing the bidding of a drug lord.
Even though in the starting of the show a lot of storylines are introduced the writers do a good job of tieing it all together by the end of season 3. There is drama with a lot of humour and adventure. The acting is of high quality with a great eye to details. The show at some points get so bad but yet so good. I'd definely say this is one of the best teen shows out there and definitely a binge worthy.

Can't wait for season 4!

The show is so much more then it's title. The story revolves around teenagers and all the problems that come with being one. It represents topics that movies don't properly sensitize like sexual health, assaults, LGBT representation, pregnancy and abortion, mental health, consent, the stress of career making, etc but at the same time provides a healthy balance of comic relief. Not only that but the charecter's in the show are given enough screen time for individual charecter growth. The only sad part of the show was that it was pretty predictable and there was no element of surprise.
I don't want to spoil the show by giving away the story details but I'd say this show vibrant and inspiring and a definite binge worth. The latter season even better than the former leaving you watching every episode wanting more. The screen play is good and the charecter's are easy to connect with. Hope Season 3 airs soon!
JVan reviewed Ragnarok
If you're looking for teen drama mixed with a Norse legend this surely gonna make you happy. Plus it's originally a Norwegian show that's been translated into English.

The story focuses on a family of three, Turid the mother and her two sons Magne and Lauritis. They move to Edde located in Norway a place they had left after the loss of their husband/father respectively. Few miles into Edde, Magne helps an old man on his scooter. After successfully doing that a woman approaches him and then places her hand on his forehead which makes Magne's eyes light up.

This show consists of six episodes, even though they seem quiet less, it's shocking how much they actually fit into those few episodes. There were a few problems with the show, other that it getting really cheesy sometimes the story kept altering from really slow paced to extraordinarily speeding through plots hence finding no middle ground. But other than that the story is crisp and a job well done on cinematography. Definitely binge worthy.
The Lift Boy is a story that portrays a young boy, Raju who starts working at an apartment as a lift boy after his father had been prescribed three weeks bed rest. Very fluent in English, the failing engineer Raju ashamed of the work he has to do soon meets the owner of the building, Mrs D'Souza. He soon realises she had been funding his education since he was a kid.

The movie is simple yet sophisticated. It carries the story line very smoothly throughout and has shown an eye for details. The dialogues and screenplay is beautiful with the acting done flawlessly. The movie seems to have put very little effort but yet leave a huge impact on the audience. A must watch.

JVan wants to see Into the Night
Let me begin by saying, I've never cringed so hard over a show.

This show consisting of two seasons, the 2nd season being released this year. The story revolves around four women who have different personalities who usually come together at their favourite Pub to vent. These women are Anjana Menon a divorce with a kid, Umang Singh a trainer at the gym, Siddhi Patel, who's never felt good enough for her parents and Rizvi Roy a journalist who goes beyond to report news that nobody is brave enough to.
Now the concept of the show was to portray strong female leads, all of them misfits coming together to make a small difference in the world but it ended up being a show that was really awkward to watch, the major issue being how feminism was portrayed. Definely send out the wrong message to its audience, the plot seems horribly rushed the story underdeveloped. It just feels like the story is running in all directions struggling to meet a common point. In the end it's a light hearted watch, which now and then might spark emotions.

JVan reviewed Legacies
First off all before watching this show, you definitely should go watch "The Vampire Diaries" and then "The Originals" otherwise you're not gonna understand much from this show as all they are intertwined with each other.

Legacies comes from the genre of Supernatural, because it has vampires, werewolves, witches and with a new fantasy monster every episode. Hope the protoganist, a tribrid because she is part vampire, werewolf and witch, thanks to her parents and ancestors she's one of a kind. She studies in the Salvatore school that's meant for people like her. With a new adventure to uncover everyday and more and more problems poring in. Sometimes it's a life and death situation and it's not always confetti and a happy endings. As I pretty much enjoyed watching TVD and Originals this show doesn't live up to the hype of its former connections. The plot tends to have many holes and yet to be tied loose ends. The concept is fresh and out of the box filled with drama and fantasy but the show is overhyped with some dialogues tending to be cringe and repetitive. Ofcourse all that's a Point of view and give it a shot of you're into Supernatural shows.
Grace and Frankie is a show with six seasons, the lastest one came out this year. It's a story of two elderly married women who soon find out that their husbands are gay and want to marry each other. After the two women get scarred by this news, this show revolves around their journey to find themselves again.

These episodes are hilarious to watch, some dialogues will leave you laughing about it for days. Plus there are not many shows where the protoganist are not teens but older women who might not have the same problems as a young adult but their issues aren't any less. If you're looking for something to binge watch, that's humours and filled with sweet realistic moments, this show is a go to.
The character design of this movie is so well done. This isn't your everyday animated movie where the story is slow paced and usually accompanied by a predictable story line.

The movie is narrated by a cat. The story revolves around parents who are obsessed with each, I don't think they seem to understand the mere concept of how babies are made. They end up having four children, Tim the eldest boy, Jane and a set of twins. With their parents often irritated when they are reminded they have children, the kids often had to fend for themselves. With a newborn showing up at their doorstep, a rainbow leading to a chocolate factory, a plan to get rid of their parents and a nannies arrival, will they spend their whole life not being loved or will the definition of family change from just people who gave you birth?

This movie in all honesty is adorable, wrapped around in hints of dark humor with moments that will make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. It's a fresh, out of the box movie which is bound to remind you of that child inside you. Most definitely worth a watch.
This is what you can call a heartfelt teen RomCom. The episodes focuses on Devi who's ethinicity is Indian but has lived in California ever since she can recall. After her fathers death, her legs become paralyzed due to the trauma. Months later she's seen getting back to her normal physical self, with her legs working, her best friends who she fails being a good friend to, her mother always on her back,her perfect cousin and her boy crush, Devi struggles to confront the ghosts of her past and move on in life.

I honestly loved the fact that there is finally a show out there that brings out Indian culture and doesn't just portray an Indian playing a role of a taxi driver or just a confused background actor like in every other shows and movies. There definely was humour to look forward to and the daily and pretty realistic ups and downs of a teenage life. The story is convincing and far from being random. The cast is diverse and definitely not in a try hard manner. It wasn't cringe or cliche and definitely broke a lot of sterotypes. I binged watched the whole show in one sitting and I'd definely say it was worth it and exceeded my expectations.