This movie is not going to give you any lesson of life. But it is worth a watch if you like to taste a dark phase of life. The script has been divided into several chapters, and the filming has been done accordingly. You will get to see the same dark criminal plot of Anurag's films, but with a darker shade. There is nothing like mercy & pity in it. The brilliant performances of Nawazuddin Siddiqui & Vicky Kausal are alone able to make you addict of these dark cult films.
I liked the movie... but it took me to end up a 2hrs movie in 3hrs, because I felt unable to go along with the story without any subtitle.

This movie was much awaited by me since the first day of its trailer launch. Before going to the cinema hall I had presumed of giving this movie 4 and a half stars. But now it is 4 stars by me.
The movie is too good to spend your money for a good cinema. You will be laughing for most of the scenes of this movie. Punched with a good qualitative humourous comedy (double meaning was there but no vulgarity at all), this movie deals with a very crucial social issue (something about which we hesitate to talk - Gents Problem).
The movie goes on with its killing Lolfunny scenes and at a sudden few sweet emotional scenes come and touch the hearts of the audiences. I can remember that every person in the cinema hall was laughing heartly and then at the next moment when Mudit asks Sugandha for not marrying him because of his Problem, a silence striked at every face because of that solid emotional scene.
All the actors played their part very well and specially I will appraise for the characters of the parents of both Mudit & Sugandha. Bhumi Pednekar is getting typecasted I feel. She has done a very well acting with the role of Sugandha but all the three roles she played in her last three films are quite familiar to each other.
The climax of the movie was so criticized by people, but I think besides one scene (Mudit's risky stunt) the climax was very favourable. The main point of the story is that Mudit & Sugandha married because they loved each other and that's why they didn't get distracted with Mudit's problem.
Overall it is a good watch if you want to laugh heartly.
.... and many more unpredictable hashtags.

I met to watch this movie incidently. It was 1:20am and I was about to sleep. I dont know why I opened the Jio TV app and started looking for something randomly. I choosed the English Movies category and tuned up Romedy Now. The movie was going on it, and few part has been passsed. The scene was going on where a man was leaving her daughter at his father's place because he was about to be jailed for 9 months. I stucked to that storyline.
Three strange lives (Oren, Leah & Sarah) got to be interlinked with emotional coincidences. Oren Little is a little bit rude old man leaving apart from his son after his wife's death. Leah is a singer who is tenant to Mr. Little. She is living alone after her husband's demise. Now Sarah comes to there life and brings them closer to each other. And finally a very touching ending makes you feel good.
I don't know why it is not a good rating of this movie on imdb, but for me it is 4 out of 5 stars.
No finite number of hashtags can define this movie. It is probably the first ever Bollywood movie that is focusing on the critical issue of sanitation in India. The movie is though revolving around the issue of Toilet mainly, but it also is a complete pack of entertainment. The way Keshav & Jaya choose to fight against this problem was the best inspirational part.
And I will say that the govt must support the movie by many ways. It is just an imagination but this movie should be played in every Village Panchayats. All the casts were superb with their roles. Particularly Bhumi Pednekar looks best in this role.
This movie will lead India for
"Aazadi from khule me shauch."