I mean just WOW
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a film directed by Mike Newell. With every instalment of the series, my anticipation for the film also increased. And I can say even with the fourth instalment, the excitement is never reduced.

Plot: Harry Potter is selected by the Goblet of fire to compete in the Triwizard Tournament making him the youngest ever to compete much to the chagrin of everyone.

Story and direction: This is the first film in the series not to have the first scene at Privett Drive. I thought it was the right move considering the film has many things going on. During the first fifteen minutes or so, the film feels quite fast paced. I didn’t get the understanding as to what his happening. If the makers would have given a little importance to the beginning, I guess the film would have worked wonders. But after those initial minutes, I was totally engrossed in the movie. There were some new characters to look out for and I can say all of them impressed. Also some of the VFX work in this film is incredible especially the broom scenes which have greatly improved. With that being said, I would add that the tournament scenes were well directed. There is always a sense of tension in the atmosphere during the scenes as you care for the safety of those characters. The film also brings another aspect of the trio’s friendship into light which was very nicely handled. This is the first film also not to feature John Williams as score composer. But I can very well say that Patrick Doyle did a spectacular job as composer. The film do marks the very first appearance of Voldemort and I can say that he is terrifying. With his appearance and the build-up that has beenmade, you can say that this man means business and also that he is ruthless and would harm just anyone who comes his way.

Performances: If I had to pin-point I had to say that this was by far Daniel Radcliffe’s best as Harry Potter. The emotional side had never been explored until this film as it was great. As for new characters, Ralph Fiennes just nailed it as Voldemort. He just looks as the villain you predicted. Brendan Gleeson brings his charm to the screen and that just lights up the scene itself. Robert Pattinson also justifies his performance. Timothy Spall and David Tenant gave good support. As for rest of the cast, always just do justice to their roles and never have they given me a single reason to complain.

Favorite Scene: It would be the Yule Ball scene where the boys after the initial dance just sit at one side and are jealous of Hermione seeing she is having a lot of fun unlike them. This very well depicts the teenagers who are at that age.

Verdict; Thanks to Mike Newell and Steve Kloves we have got another griping chapter to the series. Except for the first fifteen minutes, I enjoyed the entire film.

I am going with a 9/10.
Third Rocking Part
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a film directed by Alfosno Cuaron. I was curious before watching this film as many critics have noted this film a turning point in the series. After watching the film, I can say that this is by far my most favorite film of this series.

Plot: Harry Potter is warned about Sirius Black, a prisoner who just escaped Azkaban prison in order to kill him.

Story and direction: Taking the reins from one director to another is a very risky thing sicne you have to match the expectations of the audience as well as find a way to say your voice in the film. But this film has excelled in that department. Alfonso Cuaron is successful in providing a change of tone in the film. From scene one, you know the film is going to be different from the previous two. This is very clearly known from the lighting and camera work which is just awesome. The images of certain things like the tree or the flowers depict the kind of silence this film wants to convey. But the film doesn’t seem boring for even a single moment. It is never dull because it has the series comedy that defines it. The comedy is very subtle and that says how good a director Alfonso is. Also we get to some new characters in this film, which are very interesting. I especially liked the bond formed between Lupin and Potter. He was just like a mentor to him helping him out in various odd situations. The music is also great and I can just go on about it. The VFX has improved from the previous two and even today it is very much relevant. The VFX feels real and just immerses you into the fictional world that is created. And for the first time, the Quiddicth scene was just to look out for. It was gorgeous. Also to be noted is some of the animal designs in the film. They are so life-like. You feel scared by some of them and also you feel that you want to own some of them. I liked the fact that the film is shorter than the previous two since it was a good move and a long film I guess wouldn’t have worked. Steve Kloves deserves a pat on the back for adapting another chapter of Harry Potter successfully.

Performances: The regular cast does their job just perfectly and also adapt to the new settings. Michael Gambon is great as the new Dumbledore. Never for a moment do you miss Richard Harris. This character also has a change of characterization from the previous two which I very much liked. David Thewlis is also great in donning the role of Remus Lupin. He is the new character that I liked the most. And finally, Gary Oldman: He is just awesome. Although his scenes are lesser than the rest, but he just leaves an impact on the mind.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where the kids go to Hogsmeade and Hermione and Ron see some building. Then Malfoy and gang come and begin to tease them. After that, Harry with the help of his invisible cloak scares Malfoy and gang away. After all, who doesn’t want to see Malfoy beat up!!

Verdict: This film is by far the best of Harry Potter. The film did everything for me that I wanted to see in this series. And also, it makes me anxious as I can’t wait to see what else it has got to offer. This goes on to prove that when you tap on to the right content and know what your audience wants, I think you can make sequels even more successful than the originals (story wise). Sequels are never cursed. It is just that the makers should know how to handle the characters and give them the respect that they deserve.

I am going with a perfect 10/10.
Just Awesome !!!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a film directed by Chris Columbus. For many years, I hadn't given a damn about the Harry Potter series. But seeing the fanfare surrounded by the series, I decided to give it a try. After watching this one, I can definitely say that I am on the verge of being a fan.

Plot: Harry Potter, an orphan living with his uncle and his family is invited to Hogwarts School of Magic to become a wizard.

Story and direction: I had watched this part around the time it released but never just kept in touch since I didn't understand a word. Seeing it now as an adult and a movie lover, I just fell in love with this fictional world created. The characters, settings, story, etc.. all just feel seamless. Thanks to J K Rowling, Steve Kloves and Chris Columbus who have done justice to the source material provided to them. I feel the themes are so very relevant in this film. The intricacies of those themes are valid in the current world we do live in. This is what I just exactly want from any story presented to me. Although the film is very long, I never felt bored for a single moment. And to adapt quite a huge novel comes with responsibility and precaution, which the makers completely justified. The sets are huge and awesome. You just feel you are in Hogwarts actually. Also each characters costume is just to marvel at. John Williams once again just proves why he is the composer of the century. But I did feel some flaws to the film. Being a first film, the main plot of the film comes at around the 90th minute of the film. Also the VFX of the film felt very amateur considering some great VFX was done in the years preceding this film.

Performances: I would say that the casting of the film is just perfect. Applause for the casting team is deserved. Never do you feel that another actor should play the role. The kids, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Tom Felon just to name a few are fantastic. These 10-11 year old just steal your heart. Also the other cast like Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane make themselves likable.

Favorite Scene: There were many favourite scenes in this film for me. But one scene in particular was the troll scene where Harry and Ron decide to save Hermione and after the saving Hermione vouches for the boys. This is the scene where you actually happen to see the bond solidified between the 3 as friends.

Verdict: For anyone who just loves fantasy film and worlds with great visuals, this film is just for you. I assure you won't be disappointed. I plan on seeing the entire series now because I am fascinated by this world and want to see what else has it got to offer.

I am going with an 8/10.
Piyush Arya
It tops my guilty pleasure list :) . Its hard to toggle channel when its playing Harry Potter.
The Chamber of Fun
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a film directed by Chris Columbus. After watching the first film which I liked a lot, I was pretty excited for the second part. After watching it I can say that I enjoyed this particular part too.

Plot: Harry Potter is warned by Dobby, a House elf not to attend Hogwarts School of Magic as danger awaits him.

Story and direction: This film is one of those rare sequels which improve upon the first. This film doesn't take time to set up things. But instead we are immediately thrown into action. Also introduced are some new characters which impressed me like Lucius Malfoy and Ginny Weasley and another one not being of much importance like Gilderoy Lockhart. If this character was removed it wouldn't be much of a loss to this film. The funny scenes also feel funny and not forced. John Williams' score is again awesome and I can just hear it again and again. The film deals with another theme which I liked a lot the way it was handled. As for the VFX, although it has improved much from the first part but still there are some imperfections. There is some animatronic work with creatures which were excellent. It felt like the creatures were real and would jump out of the screen. The sets are massive and adorable. The action scenes in this film were great.They were so believe-able that I had goosebumps. Even though the film is longer than the first part, I felt much more entertained by this film. Chris Columbus and Steve Kloves have again done a wonderful job in providing us another chapter in this universe that not only makes us happy but also makes you feel for the characters in those particular settings. This film does have a post credit scene but I didn't think that the film did need that.

Performances: All of the regular cast members did an outstanding job. Jason Isaacs was bad (in a good way) as Lucius Malfoy. Kenneth Branagh was also good in the material that was provided to him. Mark Williams as Arthur Weasley did a fine job. The voice of Dobby by Toby Jones was awesome. I didn't know that he voiced Dobby until I read it in the internet.

Favorite Scene: It would be one where Hagrid consoles Hermione about her parents being muggle and both Harry and Ron providing support to her. This scene showed not only showed the strong bond between the kids but also how much Hagrid cares for Harry's gang.

Verdict: For a sequel, this film just ticks all the boxes. I had a great time with this film. It improved upon the first and also opened many new doors for the future films. I just can't wait to see what this series has yet to offer me.

I am going with an 8.5/10.
Anish Misra reviewed Antz
Antz is a film directed by Eric Darnell and Tim Johnson. I decided not to watch or read anything regarding this film before watching the film. After finally watching it, I can say that I enjoyed the whole 87 minutes of this film.

Plot: Z, a worker ant decides to impersonate as a soldier ant just to impress the Princess Bala.

Story and direction: The film released at a time when CGI animation was just starting. This film is also famous because of its similarities with A BUG’S LIFE. But let me tell you these two films are poles apart in terms of content. This film mainly focuses on the issue of making your own choices rather than just doing the things just because someone told you to. This theme is very relevant in modern times and it has been very clearly justified in the film. There are many adult references in the film which also made it very different considering at the time animated films were aimed for the children. Also, the designs for the characters are amazing. The voice work was aptly chosen. Finally, the music of the film was great and was like sugar to the ears. What I did have a problem with was the animation itself. Three years before this we had a film like Toy Story which is considered as a landmark in terms of animated CGI films. The animation was not impressive with this one, but I laud the effort that the makers went to in order to make this film.

Favorite Scene: It would be the first interaction between Bala and Z and then the dance in the scene thereafter. This scene caught on to my mind because this particular scene justifies the basic theme of the film of doing something different than others so that you can be unique.

Verdict: Although I won’t say that this is one of the best animated films of all time, but I do say that this film deserves a watch. With 87 minutes as the runtime, I did feel entertained for the whole time. I never felt for a moment that the film even diverted my attention, which is a huge credit for any film.

I am going with an 8/10.
Really 'Incredible' sequel
Incredibles 2 is a film written and directed by Brad Bird. After 14 long years of waiting, every ‘Incredibles’ fan was happy that this film came out and I can definitely say the same about me. The trailers just impressed me and after coming out of the hall I would like to say that this film was a blast.

Plot: After Elastigirl, is chosen to redeem the status of superheroes in the eyes of public, its upto Bob Parr to take care of the home and his children. Also there is a new villain in town by the name of Screenslaver.

Story and direction: Knowing that Brad Bird would be back with the sequel, I was more excited than ever. I do consider Bird as one of the top animation directors of our time. And with this film, he basically solidifies this fact. He decides to keep the timeline same as of the first part. This shows how well he understands his audience. The writing of this film is just superb. Yes, the jokes are spot on and just got me laughing, but the way he deals with real life issues are just perfect. I felt that certain decisions would be the same if taken by me. The characters, both old and new, are great and get equal screen space to shine. Bird doesn’t take the conventional route; he takes risks which is commendable. The animation is spot on. And that’s not just because it’s Pixar; it’s because the detailing is so perfect. The action scenes and VFX are just as excellent as with me seeing it in 3-D, it was an added advantage. The music is also ‘incredible’. Given the fact that the film is longer than any animated film (even longer than part one), I never felt bored or the film never felt stretched. But I do have one complain regarding the film. I would say that one aspect of the film felt very guessable, which was the only little glitch this almost-perfect film has.

Favorite Scene: It would be the scene of Jack-Jack displaying his different powers in fighting a small raccoon like animal. The scene was just awesome because of the cool VFX and the humour in that scene. This is the scene where I felt that Jack-Jack’s character shined the most.

Verdict: If I had to compare this film with the 2004 predecessor, I would choose the 2004 film without a doubt. But given the fact that we have had a lot of superhero films from that time to this, I would commend Brad Bird and team for presenting our favourite characters in a film and even making them more likable. The film doesn’t feel saturated; it feels fresh, which is rare. The 14 year wait finally paid off. If there will be a third part to this film, I would say I am already in for it. I sure would like this film seen to the nominated in various awards for ‘Best Animated Film’. If you loved part one, definitely watch the film as this film celebrates the characters in the best possible way, even after 14 years. If not watched the previous part, do watch that and then watch this film as it’s mostly related.

I am going with a 9/10.

Anisha Mallick
This part came out with a lot of expectations, and it was even better than how we expected.
Repetitive yet, Entertaining
Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety is a film co-written and directed by Luv Ranjan. The trailers looked fine and since I like the Pyaar Ka Punchnama series, I decided to give this a watch. I can definitely say that this was quite an entertaining film.

Plot: Sonu decides to save his friend, Titu, from his (Titu’s) girlfriend, Sweety, once he finds something fishy about her.

Story and direction: From scene one, the film sets its tone. The Delhi-ite attitude has been very correctly depicted by Luv Ranjan, which is why his film work. The character work in this film is impeccable. He just makes every character so likable and nuances of the character that he has assigned are so correct that you can’t ever fault the characters. Also, the dialogues are just spot on. Never the dialogue feels recycled or taken from some other film. Even the jokes are spot on. The way friendship is portrayed in this film, is also apt. But Luv Ranjan has one issue in all of his films: misogyny. I do feel that all of his films at the end just touch upon this topic. You do feel that is really every woman so wicked and cunning. But Luv just brings so much life in the story, that this so called controversial topic feels entertaining. Also, in the first half the film feels a bit rushed.

Songs: This film has 8 songs. Although some of them are party numbers and will make most people dance, I don’t see anything that make the songs interesting or even for that matter exciting. As with the trend now-a-days, we have some recycled Piunjabi songs, which I just absolutely hate. When you can’t just produce original music, why put songs unnecessarily?

Performances: Karthik Aaryan was obviously the star of the film. It feels that he doesn’t act; he is like that in real life. Nusrat Barucha also proved to be a powerhouse in the film. Sunny Singh gives an earnest performace as the innocent friend. A special mention goes to Alok Nath and Virendra Saxena. Their dynamic duo was to look out for. Every time they came to the screen. The scene just lighted up. The rest of the supporting cast was good too.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Sonu confides Titu after he gets emotional of disappointing his girlfriend, Pihu. That scene is very much correct in the recent times and Luv Ranjan’s way of showing the scene was so awesome, that this scene left an impression on my mind.

Verdict: Although the topic is very controversial, I cannot deny from the fact that this film was very entertaining. If the songs were a bit less, I would have enjoyed more.

I am going with a 7.5/10.
Anish Misra reviewed Raid
Good and Entertaining
Raid is a film directed by Rajkumar Gupta. After watching the trailer I felt I had to just watch this film as it was the comeback of Ajay Devgn to do something substantial. After watching, it felt like it ticked all the boxes for me.

Plot: Amay Patnaik, an IRS officer decides to raid the home of Rameshwar Singh, an MP in one of the longest raids in the history of India.

Story and direction: This film is written by Ritesh Shah who has written some good films in the recent times. The script is the strongest thing in this entire film. Being 128 minutes long the film never feels dragged and unnecessary. Some of the dialogues of this film are very good. The comedy in the film too is very subtle and doesn’t go overboard. The story gives a chance for the lead characters to shine and that is the strongest point of the screenplay. Kudos to Rajkumar Gupta and team, for making this film see the light of the day. The feel of the 1980’s is there in every shot and the editing is very crisp. But I did feel that some scenes felt unreal. Also some characters felt very under-utilized and felt that could have been explored more.

Performanes: Ajay Devgn is the star performer of the film. He is in a great spot and proves that good scripts will just enhance his performance. Illeana D’Cruz although doesn’t have much of a role but does provide good support to Devgn’s character. Saurabh Shukla proved to be a very competitive villain to Devgn’s character. He was just perfect. Amit Sial gave a good performance too. Here I would like to specially mention Pushpa Joshi. Given the fact of her age and being a non-actor she does a very fine job.

Music: The songs are by Amit Trivedi and Tanishk Bagchi. Being a T-Series production, Itb was usual that there would be reused songs. Although the songs were good, they did have no impact on forwarding the film (Tanishk’s songs). The other 2 songs were good and had a good impact especially ‘Jhuk Na Paunga’ that is played during the end credits. The BGM by Amit Trivedi was awesome.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Amay enters Tauji’s home and says that he has come to perform a search and seizure operation in his house. The acting and the dialogues in that scene is what made this scene very unique.

Verdict: It was good to see Ajay Devgn do a quality film after many years. This film is very entertaining. Although not perfect, but I did have a good time watching this film.

I am going with an 8/10.
Good But wanted More
Solo is a film directed by Ron Howard. Amid the controversies surrounding the making of this film, I was in doubt whether this film will be good or not. The trailers looked OK and I decided not to raise any of my expectations. After watching the film, I can say that it was pretty entertaining.

Plot: Explores the adventures of young Solo when he meets his friends during a heist within the criminal underworld.

Story and direction: No one is a stranger from the troubles when this film was made. And this is very clearly visible during the course of the film. Some story-lines feel very under-developed and half-hearted. The story has quite a promise to be improved on as it was looking promising. But I guess Disney opted to make it a money making vehicle. The film has fantastic action scenes and was excellent when watched in 3D. I have loved Han Solo in the original films and that’s because he was characterized so nicely. You kinda feel for him. But here they for opt the safe route which has no risks. Although this film does have some moment, I wanted more of them because that’s what makes Star Wars exceptional. It adds nothing to the Star Wars universe to make it special. It was good to listen to John Williams’ score in between the films but I did think that John Powell also has done an excellent job on his score as well.

Performances: Let’s be honest. No matter how many actors come and go, no one plays Han Solo as great as Harrison Ford. But if I judge independently, Alden Ehrenreich did a fine job. Woody Harrelson also did a fine job although I didn’t get the mentor part that was in the promos. Emilia Clarke was good but I wanted her character explored much more. Donald Glover was perfect. Each time he was on the screen, the scene was lightened up. Thandie Newton and Paul Bettany were hugely under-utilized.

Favorite Scene: It would be the first interaction between Chewbacca and Han. That scene showed why the bond between them was so strong and why they have that kind of respect for each other.

Verdict: I have no problems with Disney bringing Star Wars’ films each year. But just making them money spinning ventures is. I hope that Disney takes this as a warning signal and invest as much quality onto these Anthology films. Out of the 2 anthology films that have come I would say that this one is the weakest. I had a good time but that is not just enough in case if a Star Wars film. I want the experience to be remembered by me. I want to rejoice the experience of seeing the Star Wars film.

I am going with a 7/10.
Simple and Likeable
Tumhari Sulu is afilm co-written and directed by Suresh Triveni. This film was on my watchlist for a very long time and finally I happened to watch it and I can say it was a very good attempt.

Plot: Sulochana (Sulu) decides to become an RJ in a night talk show.

Story and direction: Knowing that Vidya Balan was in this film, I just had to watch it. And I felt good after watching the film. The film captures Mumbai in the most realistic way as possible. It shows the common man’s household with such aptness. Since I have stayed in Mumbai for quite some time, I could very easily connect with the environment Suresh tried to create. Each character of the film felt taken out from real life. The tensions, happiness, sadness, support all these came across in a correct way. Most of the credit goes to Suresh’s writing and his way of thinking. Also the scenes in the radio office were shown correctly. The main flaws that I felt were the familiarity of the topic. This is the kind of film that was seen before and it felt nothing new. Also it stumbled onto some genre clichés. Apart from that, the film felt a bit stretchy. I felt the concentration was more on the drama part. Having these reduced, the film would have had more of an effect.

Performances: Vidya Balan is a powerhouse performer and she is just right. The nuances that she caught of a normal housewife are impeccable. Same can be said for Manav Kaul. Neha Dhupia delivered an amazing performance. Malishka was great too. Giving the fact that she is an RJ in real life too helped a lot in this film. Vijay Maurya (who also writes some dialogues for this film) deserves a special mention. Last but not the least, I feel like mentioning Abhishek Sharma as he was a good performer too.

Songs: Since T-Series is the producer, it was meant that multiple music directors and one remake were going to be there. But that doesn’t mean the songs were not good. I would say that it didn’t provide anything substantial to the film. And there was really no need to recreate ‘Hawaa Hawaai’.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Sulu joins the first day. She does some things during that scene that were very funny and unexpected. Also the expressions of the other people present during that scene were to look out for.

Verdict: This film is just Vidya Balan all the way. Her charm and charisma are to look out for and they are seriously contagious. As I said before, with a little tweaking the film would have worked wonders. But as a first timer, Suresh Triveni did a wonderful job.

I am going with a 7.5/10.