This Deserves all the Love
Rocketman is a film directed by Dexter Fletcher. The trailers for the film impressed me and it felt like the film was not going to take the usual route. Coming out of the cinema after the film finished, I was happy and had a smile on my face.

Plot: The film traces the early years of British singer Elton John, his fame, sexual orientation and his downward spiral due to drug and alcohol abuse.

Story and direction: Now when you hear the basic one-line plot that I have written above, you will surely feel that this film has nothing new to offer. The same old tried and tested formula for any kind of biopic made these days. But what makes this film stand-out above the rest is the approach the makers have taken to make this film unique. Right from scene one where Elton enters with his flashy costume, you can feel the difference and the effort the makers have taken. As a result of this, I never felt bored in the film even for a single minute. The film gets entertaining and better with every minute of the runtime that passes by. The characters even are so relatable that you can understand why they make those choices. You are directly transported to that era. As I mentioned earlier about the “flashy” costumes, the costume and make-up department deserve an applause for making the film and the characters look so attractive and beautiful. The editing is crisp and water-tight. Also, like the way in some particular sequences that you feel that there is a long take which you kind of expect in action movies but not in biopics. I liked the way the makers didn’t play it safe and went all down and dirty (meaning the film being rated R). Although entertaining, this film does have a very similar premise to what biopics always usually follow.

Performances: Taron Egerton deserves all the praise he is getting. I seriously want him to get a nomination in award ceremonies for his performances. He doesn’t perform, but lives the life of Elton. I loved him before, but now I can say that I am his fan. Given the fact that Taron himself performed all of Elton’s songs in his own voice is praise-worthy. Jamie Bell is another one that deserves praise. He is just awesome. I liked the way they inserted certain grey shades into Richard Madden’s character. Bryce Dallas Howard was applause-worthy as Sheila Eileen. Stephen Graham and Charlie Rowe too did a fantastic job.

Songs and dance numbers: Seeing Bollywood movies, you kind of have a feeling of songs been inserted into films to express what the character is going through at the particular scene. Now this can become very tiresome and irritating in some movies. But that’s not the case here. The dance numbers are choreographed well and sit in sync with the scene. It added an extra nuance to Elton’s song. If I had to pick a favourite it will be “The Bitch is Back”. Additionally, the end credit song "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again" was a treat.

Favourite Scene: There were so many great scenes out there. But if I had to pick one it would be where John decides to tune the “Your Song” and where everybody just stop all of their work to listen him sing and play the piano. This scene just won me over.

Verdict: My first exposure to Elton John was “Sacrifice” (if never heard, please do, Its Awesome.) But this film gives a depth into the illustrious yet troubled life of this celebrated rockstar. I was satisfied with what the film had to offer and surely this film should go down in history as one of the better biopics made (if not the best).

I am going with a 9/10,
Avengers: Endgame is a film directed by Anthony and Joe Russo. This film was my most anticipated one for this year for a number of reasons. The trailers got me pumped up and increased my anticipation even more. But after walking out of that cinema hall, I felt that the creators did justice to all that was served to us in these past 10 years.

Plot: The Avengers decide to reverse Thanos’ action done during the events of Infitnity War.

Story and direction: As this will be a non-spoiler I shall try to be as generic as possible as tio what I liked and didn’t like about this movie. This film is a conclusion to a long story arc that started in the beginning of this cinematic universe. Yes, the film is three hours long (by far the longest in the MCU, too) but the best thing about the film was that the film never felt that long. And, for that, I would like to give a big salute to the creative minds behind this mega-blockbuster. In each and every minute of the move, you do feel for the characters. There is a sense of human-ism which is quite rare in superhero movies, which I was a big fan of. None of the scenes felt misplaced or unnecessary. I even liked the risks that were taken with characters which too is very rare for a commercial movie. The MCU brand of humour is there in some moments and I just loved them. This film had a proper balance of tension, entertainment and laugher, which is what wants from any kind of movie. Talking about the action scenes. OMG!!! They were huge, awesome and fantastic. Also, the VFX. My God!!! I can imagine the VFX artists had to do to bring so many of these scenes to like. And I salute them in doing that in the most seamless and effortless way. Alan Silvestri has also done a wonderful job on the score. I don’t remember tearing up in any movie, but I surely did in this one. This film had such a profound effect in me. But in saying that, there were some scenes that did feel like plot-holes. Also, with the announcement of so many movies and TV show spin-offs this film still didn’t manage to address so many things. But these, things are any way secondary to me.

Performances: Now if I list each and every cast member and their performances, this review will go on and on. But still, I will do some highlighting. People have been wanting Robert Downey Jr to be nominated Best Actor for the Oscars next year. And I really hope they do because this was the best of Tony Stark in the MCU. Chris Evans as usual is fantastic and I saw a side of him in this film which wasn’t even tapped on in this universe. Chris Hemsworth was the funny man in this film. His scenes just made me laugh. Same can also be said for Paul Rudd. Mark Ruffalo too was just great as the Hulk and Bruce Banner. Scarlet Johannson and Jeremy Renner made me remember what made them so special and unique in this team. Josh Brolin again was fantastic as Thanos. All the rest of the cast members too were just great and commendable.

Favorite Scene: This is where I am out of words. But I will say it anyway without giving away anything. I will say it will be the one during the final hour of the movie where you will feel that are heroes have nothing to do. But then there comes a ray of hope and you feel that victory will surely touch our heroes’ feet.
Verdict: Is this film perfect? No, absolutely not. Does this film satisfy the MCU fan? Hell yes, it absolutely does. This film just made me realise why I love movies and why my love increases every day. Its exactly for films like these that I live for. Do watch the film in 3D (IMAX, if possible) for the best experience and I am sure you will have a smile on that face yours feeling a sense of completion and happiness. If the MCU has more films up in its kitty, bring them on because I seriously would like to see what more can they give. Yup, and for the first time ever: NO POST CREDITS. So don’t need to wait till the end waiting for some random scene to show up.

I am going with an 8.5/10.
Captain Marvel is a film co-written and directed by Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden. To be very honest, the trailers and promotional material didn’t excite me for the film and so as a result my expectations from this film were not very huge. In short, I would say that this film was quite a satisfactory watch for me.

Plot: Vers, a member of the Starforce is the only hope when Earth becomes the target of an intergalactic conflict.

Story and direction: MCU has grown over the years and when you have in mind to watch a film from this universe, it has a certain bar set for itself. Well since MCU is one of the most successful franchises to date, this film knew that without even promoting people will sure be attracted to watch this new venture. So, in short, I went into the halls a blank slate having no expectations what-so-ever. This film is neither bad (as many trolls suggested) nor great. For me, it was a decent film. The good is the technicality the film has. The VFX is as usual awesome and you have wide angle shots and CGI that doesn’t feel mis-placed. A big hats-of from my side to the team for the de-aging effects. OMG. It felt as if I was seeing a younger Sam Jackson and Clark Gregg. The action scenes felt quite natural to me and were just quite good. The marvel brand of comedy is there and you are surely entertained by it. But what did feel lacking for me was the character development. I was not really invested into a character and cared for them. That’s what you want from any film. Yes, the film was entertaining and good but what good is a film when you really don’t have anyone you can pinpoint on after watching the movie. Where is that lasting effect? The film too doesn’t have its own voice. Also, the score was pretty average. In an action scene, apparently a pop song just plays in the background which felt too out of place.

Performances: Brie Larson for me did a fair job. She has what it takes to carry a movie on her own shoulders (this being much different from her much acclaimed ROOM). Samuel L Jackson is just awesome and it’s just a treat to watch him in this universe. Ben Mendelsohn actually surprised me. He was good. Jude Law, Djimon Honsou, Lee Pace and Gemma Chan were good additions to the film. Clark Gregg had a small yet effective role. Lashana Lynch was really bad-ass. And so was Annette Bening. A special mention to Goose. OMG, the cat is so adorable.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Vers and Nick Fury have a conversation in the bar interviewing each other on whether they are Skrulls or not. That scene was funny and entertaining at the same time and the MCU we know for quite a long time now.

Verdict: I would say that this film is quite weaker than the previous MCU films we have seen in recent times. But for me this was a decent watch. Don’t really believe the trolls. Make a judgement on your own. I am really interested to see how this character is incorporated into future films as well as the upcoming finale of AVENGERS. Be sure to watch the dedication to Stan Lee. That man is a legend and the tribute to him was just great. Yup, don’t forget to watch the mid-credits. Post-credits can surely be forgotten.

I am going with a 7/10.
Certainly a Break that isn't Harmful
Ralph Breaks the Internet is a film co-written and directed by Phil Johnston and Rich Moore. I loved the first film and have been waiting for a sequel for quiet along time. So when the trailer debuted, I was on top of the world. And at the end of finishing the film, I was just ecstatic.

Plot: Ralph and Vanellope decide to seek help from the internet world when the game Sugar Rush faces danger of shutting down.

Story and direction: While the first film honoured the traditional video game parlours which now-a-days have almost gone extinct; this film shows the diversity that the internet has to offer us. Since this is a Walt Disney film, it’s really hard to fault the animation. So much of hard work has gone into the animation with ample amounts of detailing. The internet world looked so beautiful and amazing. I liked the way the makers had depicted spams, pop-ups, ads and viruses. Each and every scene is a wonder to look at. Also, we have the voice cast that is amazing and never for a moment its felt that they have miscast the voices. But the most important thing that the film has is the correct and apt story. This film not only has some amazing character development which makes you feel for them and makes you understand as to why they take certain decisions, but also beneath that has wonderful messages which I found quite relevant in the modern times. One big takeaway for me was that you should learn how to move on and not stop someone when someone decides to. The comedy is just spot on. I laughed at every joke that was cracked. Like the previous film, this one too has a lot of pop-culture references (with Disney being quite a focus). But these references don’t dilute the film in any way. The score by Henry Jackman is just awesome. This man doesn’t fail to surprise me. Also good is the song which comes at a quite crucial moment in the film from Disney’s favourite composer Alan Menken (I especially liked the way at how its hinted as to when a song comes to one’s mind). With all that being said, this film does have certain pacing issues. Like the first half is quite racy and energetic and the second half being interesting but not as racy as the first half.

Favorite Scene: Not to spoil anything, but there is a particular scene between Vanellope and Ralph towards the end of the movie which strung something in my heart. Those who have watched the film will surely understand which scene I am talking about.

Verdict: Year 2018 has been a good year when it comes to animated films. I am still trying to figure out as to which one is my favourite. As for now, I can say that I loved this film and even more than the first instalment. If the makers are surely planning the spin-off and sequels (according to some news reports and media outlets), I am in for it. Do watch the film till the end as it has both a mid-credits and post-credits scene.

I am going with a 9/10.
This 'Klan' Entertains
BlacKkKlansman is a film co-written and directed by Spike Lee. The acclaim surrounding this film along with it being in the Oscars compelled me to watch the film. After watching it, I can say that this film is pure entertainment.

Plot: Follows Ron Stallworth, a police detective in the Colorado Spring PD and his attempt to infiltrate the local Ku Klux Klan.

Story and direction: To be very honest, I haven’t watched most of Spike Lee’s ventures except for INSIDE MAN which to me was quite a different kind of thriller. So watching this film for me I had no expectations whatsoever. But having said that I was mesmerized by the sheer brilliance this film had. Each and every frame had a uniqueness and beauty in it. I am not saying that the film is perfect, but it was great to watch. The writing of the film is so intelligent that in scenes of tension they introduce certain things that make it a delight to watch. The subtle comedy is to watch out for and I can understand many people not getting that. The use of music and the songs played in the background are just awesome. You feel like you are in the 70’s and living in the era. The film is basically about racism and a big salute from my side to the makers for portraying this aptly (although I still have heard from various sources that certain things were not correctly depicted). With that being said, I still felt the film would have been better if the runtime was trimmed a bit. Also, the romantic subplot made no sense and I didn’t feel any need for it.

Performances: Let me say that I just love Denzel Washington. He has a charm and that hasn’t faded up until now. Now watching his son in the film, I even fell in love with him. He lives up to his father’s name and I want to see more of him. Adam Driver doesn’t have much of a role but he shines with what was given to him. Laura Harrier was OK. Ryan Eggold and Jasper Paakkonen were great. And so were Topher Grace and Ashlie Atkinson. Robert John Burke and Fred Weller also do deserve some praise.

Favorite Scene: The scene comes quite early in the film where Ron is a rookie and he is kept in the archives section and Andy comes in to ask for a file on a ‘toad’. He replies that there are no toads here but human beings. He gives him the file anyway and after Andy exits, Ron does some kind of hand movements. What got me in this scene was the comedy, I was laughing throughout the scene.

Verdict: Many people will actually not get this film and honestly if this film would have come out a few years ago, my review would have been entirely different to the one I have written now. I had a blast watching this film and Spike Lee is definitely a director that is on my watchlist.

I am going with an 8.5/10.
This Star Shines the Brightest
A Star is Born is a film co-written and directed by Bradley Cooper. This film has been on my radar from the day it was announced. The trailers came and I kind of loved the vibe and knew that this film was going to be one of the best. After watching it last night, I knew that my movie senses were in the right direction.

Plot: Jackson Maine, an alcoholic and drug addict musician falls in love with a much younger singer, Ally.

Story and direction: This film has been shown before in India in the form of Aashiqui 2. All of the people loved the music but I was one of the few people who did like the film too. So for me while I was starting the film, I kind of knew the story and the territory I was stepping into. What I did like about the film was its approach. This particular story has been shown three times before and its natural for people to think as to what else can be done. But Bradley has done a fantastic job in making the film his own and marking himself as a fantastic director. In each and every scene you do feel what the characters are going through and what is their mind-set. For most of the run-time, I was invested in the film. The film also very beautifully highlights both the negatives and positives of being a celebrity and how it affects your lives. The cinematography of the film is just awesome. Each and every frame of the film is just fascinating to look at. The concert scenes are very well directed. But the film does have places where the pace kind of goes down and you feel not very invested in that particular scene.

Performances: Bradley Cooper does a great job both kin terms of physicality and acting. He delivers a phenomenal performance. But the main star of the film is obviously Lady Gaga. I have heard few of her songs which proves her mettle as a singer but she is a wonderful actress too. She gives her best performance and it’s difficult to digest that this is her first film. Sam Elliot also gives a standout performance. He sometimes does make you emotional and you understand the plight of his character. Andrew Dice Clay and Dave Chapelle also give some good performances.

Music: The film has some great songs thanks to Lady Gaga, Luke Nelson and a whole lot of others. I decided not to hear any one of the songs before watching the movie. And that turned out to be great. “Shallow” obviously is awesome and is getting a lot of accolades. Another one that caught my ear was “Always remember Us This Way”.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Jack proposes to Ally. The reason as to why this particular scene caught my eye was because I wasn’t expecting that and also the proposal was done in the most creative way possible.

Verdict: A STAR IS BORN is definitely a film that I loved and would recommend all romance and music lovers to watch. This film has a quite unique approach which might not sit right with many, so I do understand if you will not like the film. But anyways, I did love the film.

I am going with a 9/10.
Sure to wake up the Indian in You
Uri: The Surgical Strike is a film written and directed by Aditya Dhar. The trailers of the film had me quite excited. After watching it last night, I was floored by the sheer excellence of the film.

Plot: Major Vihaan Shergill leads a team of soldiers to avenge all the soldiers killed in the Uri Camp attack of 2016.

Story and direction: It was in a very long time, that I found the cinema hall to be housefull for a film. From the very first scene the mood is set and the makers make it very clear that the film is not for the light-hearted. For a first time director I would like to commend Aditya Dhar and his team for bringing us a tale that not only engaged me but also made me feel something at the end of it. In each and every scene, you feel the hard work the makers must have gone through to make this fruitful. Although it takes a bit of time for the main action to start, I can give the benefit of doubt since we need to understand the characters and their mindset when they make a certain decision. There are moments when you feel worried for the safety of certain characters. Much of the reason as to why I enjoyed the film was because of the audience as they were shouting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ when something important was happening on the screen. The writing of the film is spot on and you feel for even the minor characters in the movie. There are some sequences of comedy in the second half that bought a smile to my face and didn’t feel forced. The action and combat sequences are well directed. Also commendable is the camera work which surprisingly didn’t have any shaky movements when the action was going on. I wasn’t bored for a single minute during the run-time. But even quoting that, I did have some minor issues. There are a character or two which I felt didn’t get the justifies screen time and one thing (atleast for me) was totally guessable. Also, there is a small VFX shot that just looked fake.

Performances: Vicky Kaushal is in the top of his game. Be it emotion or anger, he gave it all and I would like to see him more in solo ventures. Paresh Rawal is a powerhouse in himself. Yami Gautam too was just awesome. Kirti Kulhari I felt wasn’t used well considering how good an actress she is. Mohit Raina gave an impressive performance in his debut. He has his moment to shine in the film and I hope to see more of him. Also, quite excellent was Swaroop Sampat. You just have to wait and watch for Rajit Kapur and Rakesh Bedi. The rest of the supporting cast were just great.

Music: Sashwat Sachdev bought some great songs and an awesome background score to the film that not only suits the scene but also takes the film forward. Most of the songs I heard were for the first time. The one that impressed me a lot was ‘Beh Chala’.

Favorite Scene: The scene that surely caught my attention was the one before the interval. Vihaan instructs his unit to message the loved ones not to disturb the unit until a certain date. This scene sets the mood for what is about to come in the second half.

Verdict: Uri is a film that will certainly go down in history as the one that not only celebrates patriotism but also some great film-making. I was floored after the film finished and clapped my hands after the film finished.

I am going with a 9/10.
Get Rajnified
Petta is a film written and directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Ever since the trailer launch of this film, I was looking forward to watch it. But I thought as to why the makers would go on and dub the film in Hindi. When the makers announced it Hindi version to be released I was ecstatic and decided to watch it whenever I get the first chance. Finally, I can say that the Rajni fan in me is satisfied.

Plot: Revolves around Kaali who enters a boarding school with an agenda of his own,

Story and direction: From the introduction itself, you are warned that this is a film from a person who is a die-hard Rajinikanth film. This film is filled with references from previous films of this SUPER STAR. Karthik Subbaraj does a wonderful job in setting up the film. He does great justice to the film in the best way possible. The setting of both UP and Ooty adds to the beauty. The pace of the film is constant throughout. Even in the portions that have nothing great about them, Karthik Subbaraj does ensure that he doesn’t bore the hell out of that scene. The camera work on this film is just beyond awesome. The night scenes and the fog filled scenes of Ooty are more beautified. The action scenes are also kept well-grounded except for a few ones where physics is thrown out of the window. I will not say that this is a perfect film either. The film is almost 3 hours long and even though I have said that there was nothing boring in this film I would like to add that there are scenes which really do feel unnecessary. The villains too are very typical. They have nothing special to them. Also the editing could have been much crispier.

Performances: This film is filled with some great performances. Rajinikanth is in top form even in this age. Be it style, action or emotion – this man has it all. I wish more focus would have been given to Vijay Sethupathi (although there are scenes where he does really shine) and Nawazuddin Sidiqui. Trisha and Simran do justice to the material given to them. Bobby Simha is also quite good. Same can also be sad for Sananth Reddy and Megha Akash. Malavika Mohanan and M. Sasikumar do quite well too.

Music: I really do wonder how a person can do so great things at such a young age. Anirudh Ravichander’s music is just like that. Each and every song is very refreshing and nice to the ears (and mind you I am talking about the dubbed Hindi Version). One song that is still stuck in my mind is ‘Nazar Sansari’ ("Ilamai Thirumbuthe" in Tamil). Even the BGM is awesome and pumps up more of the adrenaline especially the ‘Petta’ theme.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Kaali ambushes Jithu and they have a small talk with each other. The only thought of having VJS and Rajini together on one scene is a god enough reason that this scene was my favorite.

Verdict: By the end of the film, I was surely Rajnified. This is my third Rajinikanth film in the cinema hall and I am surely looking forward for more. People who are die-hard Rajni fans, give this a watch and I am sure your day is made. For the rest, I would suggest to take a backseat since you all will be disappointed.

I am going with an 8/10.
CGI filled Adventurous film
Aquaman is a film co-written and directed by James Wan. I remember being the few people who actually liked the trailer and what it was actually going for. I was with the film from the beginning. After watching it today, it felt like an adventure filled ride.

Plot: Arthur Curry, the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, must step forward to lead his people against his half-brother, Orm, who seeks to unite the seven underwater kingdoms against the surface world.

Story and direction: I have adored James Wan as a director for quite a long time. I even liked his film Furious 7 (maybe I will go on to say the best the series had). So, with the film I was quite positive that I would fully understand as to what Wan wants to achieve. And he totally achieves it in this film. His vision is huge and he does complete justice to it. The film is a big celebration of CGI and style. The action scenes are wonderfully choreographed and filmed on wide angles, which hugely impressed me. The creature designs and production design are impressive. Also, the comedy is just spot on. I laughed at even the smallest joke that was cracked. The emotional aspect of the film, although very small, was just great. The characterization for most of the characters were spot on. They were not perfect which is what I liked. The musical score was fabulous. The VFX was great and in 3D it just was awesome. Some things that bogged me down was the runtime. At times, it does feel that the film was dragging. Also, the first act did feel a bit rushed and I did feel that they could have built on certain aspects of that act. Orm as a villain was a bit cliched. He didn’t have any such motivation for his actions.

Performances: Jason Mamoa lived through the role of Arthur Curry. From the first scene onwards, he just makes you believe that he is strong. Amber Heard complements Jason’s character nicely. Patrick Wilson was good with what he was given to do. William Dafoe was good as Nuis Vulko. Yahta Abdul Mateen II was bad-ass. It was god to see Dolph Ludgren. Finally, Nicole Kidman and Temeura Morrison were great as Aquaman’s parents.

Favorite Scene: It would be the scene with Arthur and Mera on the Sahara. That scene was very funny. The jokes were spot on. Adding to that, the scenery was just awesome.

Verdict: If you enjoy big adventure and CGI filled action films, then this film is perfect for you. If not, then I would advise to stay away from the film. Yes, the film is not perfect and has some flaws, but I did have a fun time with the film. If the makers are planning a sequel they surely have excited me. The DC Extended Universe has definitely redeemed itself and I am looking forward to its future films.

I am going with an 8/10.
This Spidey is Great
Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse is a film directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman. The trailers of the film excited me a lot (Of Course, its Spidey!) and I anticipated this film for a long time. After seeing it today, I was satisfied.

Plot: Miles Morales teams up with Spider Men and Women of different universes to take down Kingpin.

Story and direction: Spider Man is very close to my heart and ever since I have watched the 90's cartoon I am just a fan of this character. And this film exactly does that. It shows respect for both the character and the audience who has been loving the character for almost now 50 years. The story is engrossing and connects you instantly. You see every Spider Men/Women is not perfect and that what makes them unique. The family dynamic is very nicely highlighted in the film. You see the characters that are something in the beginning but at the end you feel for every one of them. Each of the Spider Men/Women are likable and by the end of the film I couldn't even decide which one I liked better. They melt your heart in a good way. I did like the animation also. It was closer to the comics which is never seen in any animated films of the recent times. Also liked the way the thought boxes from the comics were introduced, which I never expected. The visual effects and fight sequences are surely a treat to watch. The comedy is spot on. Every joke just made me laugh. The makers even go on and make a joke out of everything we know about Spider-Man without offending us. And lot of it was due to the intelligent writing (Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman). The voice-acting was also great and the casting was just spot-on. The score by Daniel Pemberton too was awesome. The fusion of an action-packed score along with the Afro-American songs was just so cool. If I had to pinpoint one thing that wasn't good it was Kingpin. It seemed like the makers wanted to go for an arc, but they decided not to, which made his character less interesting.

Favorite Scene: It would be the scene where Jefferson has a heart to heart talk with his son from behind the door and Miles due to the situation he is in can't open the door. I liked the small pep-talk (if that's what it is) that a father has with his son and it inspires Miles and kind of brightens a ray of hope inside him.

Verdict: I may place this film on par with the Tobey Maguire series because its' seriously that good. I was mesmerized by each and every aspect of the film. Never for a second, I felt bored or tired from watching the film. The film obviously does have a post credit scene, so will advise you to stay till the end (that is standard for any Marvel Movie). If this film has sequels or spin-offs, I am ready for them, but they better be good. If you are a Spider Man fan I am sure you won't be disappointed.

For now, I am going with a 9/10.