Beautiful, imaginative and full of colors and talking toys. Sweet endings and good morals. Well, even when a car, house and dog for a kid doesn't make sense.. well, we can always appreciate a good story which teaches the goodness of friendship and good heart at the end of the day.

A Beautifully woven movie from the Arabian Knights
Even though Disney no longer makes those 2D animations for movies and kids these days hardly prefer it, Aladdin is something you should get your kids to watch. Apart from the humor, the magical journey of Aladdin from being a poor kid to a princess's suitor is a delight to watch. The story-line is very different form the actual Arabian night tale so no, antagonist Zafaar is not his uncle. We see the princess, Jasmine as a very independent women very unlike the many other Disney princesses. Her pet tiger Sultan is a strong portrayal of her fearless yet loving nature. The climax comes out as dark and scary, but Genie is best thing that happened to the movie. Who could think that the character who plays the role of just a grant-wisher will could come out as a funny, witty, kind and a loyal friend at the end of the movie. What is more beautiful is that unlike the master-slave relation of Aladdin and Genie in the actual story, the adaptation features a more mutual relation between them. And who would have thought that a magic carpet could have felt so real? The magic just needs to be felt and most importantly, it never gets old.

Welcome to the Girl World
Mean Girls is one of the best chick flicks of all times, like I even need to tell that. Cady Heron is a home schooled girl who moves from Africa to her new school and enters the 'high school' world. She stands out as pretty normal until a group of girls decide to befriend her- The Plastics. While The Plastics are not the typical 'bully girl gang', they have their own ways of making things ugly. Cady fights her way through and it is refreshing to see that the makers decided to prioritize studies along with high school drama. Also, if Cady's friend Janis wasn't so weirdly dressed up, and could have saved some of her really over dramatic expressions then she would have been really likable. The trio of Plastics are a perfect combo of mean girls and the movie gets funny and engaging, in spite of lack of romantic scenes or full fledged action sequences. Among the whole lot of chick flick movies, this movie shouldn't ever be missed out.

Funny, witty and light; The perfect doze of Comedy and Friendship
If you are looking for a bright-humored, witty and and a series with positive vibes at the end of the day, Friends is just the right thing for you. It doesn't actually matter if the series is over, it is something that has the capability to add every bit of optimism to its audience. The show contains the fun filled journey of six friends who live in the same apartment, the various up and downs of their lives and the relationships they go through throughout the series. The contrast of the each of the leads are striking and sometimes quite strange (in a good way!) and the consistency of humor for each and every episode is what made the series successful in the first place. Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Phoebe. You can never decide which one is the craziest or funniest or wittiest or weirdest, because it just keeps getting better with time. It never gets old, trust me. And no matter how many times you watch it, it feels like you are watching it all over again. I think the best thing about the show is the uniqueness of the characters and how you fall in love with them with every passing episode. It doesn't matter if it is the sarcastic Chandler, or the weird Phoebe or the silly Joey, you just love them. And if you want to just keep your head light and relaxed, Friends will probably do the thing for you. A lot of people out there actually try to tell me that Friends is a stupid show, but seriously guys? I think it is one of the best shows that happened to the TV. #mustWatch #humorous #hilarious #witty #LOLFunny #quotable #feelGood #bestOfComedy #joyride
An Amazingly Incredible Watch
With the first Disney Pixar's Incredibles knocking the breath out of our lungs with its adventure packed yet comically refreshing story line, fans have already had such high expectations from the second movie of the series. What is even bizarre is that Disney managed to pull this one so smoothly, we are left awestruck at the end of the movie. From the trailer, you might have already realized that most of the story concentrates around Jack Jack's powers and again, Disney manages to keep the dozes of humor coming adequately. Well, unless you don't prefer animation and comedy, I don't see one reason to not go, watch the movie. Most of the movie revolves around Mrs. Incredible this time, much like we saw in the case of Mr. Incredible in the first movie and this time, the freezing cool dude Frozone gets comparatively more screen space. Oh, on a sad note, Dash gets a much smaller screen space but still, it is bearable. A bunch of new, cool superheroes appear too for a much smaller part of the movie and though a few of them are a bit- ahem- strange, you won't want to hate them, thanks to our new villain. The sense of action and climax is amazing, and thankfully the movie keeps us entertained and engaged throughout. Don't curse me just yet for all the spoilers because there is much, much more than whatever I have said. If you are still wondering whether you should get yourself a ticket or not, I suggest you do it immediately. This is a movie that you can watch with every age group and yet you won't feel like it wasn't made for you.

A Magically Wonderful Journey
Who doesn't want to go to a school of witch craft and wizardry, especially when there are so many adventures waiting for them? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone brings us the journey of an orphaned boy who lives oblivious to his magical history until a mysterious letter drops by for him from Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft an Wizardry. The movie is an adaptation of J. K. Rowling's very first book of the series, and guides us through the adventure of Harry and his friends, Hermoine and Ron. While the movie is slightly different from the book, it manages to capture the magic and the aura of the characters and the magic world, leaving the viewers to woo over it at the end. Even though a few characters like Malfoy and Dursley are a bit more of typical comical villains,usually ones we see in a children's movie, the movie also revolves around the friendship of the lead characters and is a beautiful moral to the everyone watching it. Finally, the movie is entertaining and engaging from starting to end and deserves to be in the watch list of movie enthusiasts.