Incredibles 2 Review

Anisha Mallick
  • 5/5
An Amazingly Incredible Watch

With the first Disney Pixar's Incredibles knocking the breath out of our lungs with its adventure packed yet comically refreshing story line, fans have already had such high expectations from the second movie of the series. What is even bizarre is that Disney managed to pull this one so smoothly, we are left awestruck at the end of the movie. From the trailer, you might have already realized that most of the story concentrates around Jack Jack's powers and again, Disney manages to keep the dozes of humor coming adequately. Well, unless you don't prefer animation and comedy, I don't see one reason to not go, watch the movie. Most of the movie revolves around Mrs. Incredible this time, much like we saw in the case of Mr. Incredible in the first movie and this time, the freezing cool dude Frozone gets comparatively more screen space. Oh, on a sad note, Dash gets a much smaller screen space but still, it is bearable. A bunch of new, cool superheroes appear too for a much smaller part of the movie and though a few of them are a bit- ahem- strange, you won't want to hate them, thanks to our new villain. The sense of action and climax is amazing, and thankfully the movie keeps us entertained and engaged throughout. Don't curse me just yet for all the spoilers because there is much, much more than whatever I have said. If you are still wondering whether you should get yourself a ticket or not, I suggest you do it immediately. This is a movie that you can watch with every age group and yet you won't feel like it wasn't made for you.
