Though Not really a must watch but has an excellent script. You can feel character Rishu growing inside you. Deserves to be released in Big screen. Interesting show of expectations, desire and reality. Good dialogues.
But critics have movie bad reviews. May be I know its reason. I feel like a good love story is unsuccessfuly converted to a clever crime thriller. Movie was advertised as clever crime movie but it didn't turn out to be much clever and is rather predictable. But if you ignore crime and clever part of movie you would rather love this movie like me.
!!!Spoiler AHEAD!!!
There was rather a irony in the script. During movie in one of his dialogue Rishu tells that he is a simple man and not a hero..... But in end he was shown a hero afterall.
As i told you script would have done better if it would not have been converted into clever.
Writing this review after watching 2 parts. I came across a critique review which i find very much explaining my feelings . Pauline Bock of the British magazine New Statesman questioned the global hype of the series, saying that it was "full of plot holes, clichéd slow-motions, corny love stories and gratuitous sex scenes", before continuing to add that "the music is pompous, the voice-over irritating, and it's terribly edited"
Though i know reason of its global fame - its clever premise along with its rebellious nature ... The same reasons i like it for. Though its english dubing is very irritating to listen to . Also i feel narration by Tokyo very unnecessary.

Another point on which I defer from Mr Bock is about love stories involved. They actually were nice to watch. Emotional attachment of Tokyo with Rio, Denver with Monica & Berlin with that school girl ..... though i found the love of professor for inspector really stupid.
A touch of drama and character development is good even in a thriller series.
But in Money Heist, It feels like they added too much drama and slow motion .
What i loved in this series is that compared to all other clever plot movies where everything ends well .... in this series plan takes unexpected twists even for professor and doesn't ends as planed , series is able to show how every mind in team cannot work as single unit even with long training..... For example not able to print 2.4 million as planed and rather settle for much lesser amount ; loss of 3 team members, failure of tempting hostages for money ; etc.
High Sparrow
As a conclusion I would say if you like watching clever plot and can tolerate slow story and drama ...you should watch it.