Ankit Kumar reviewed Mr. Das
Workplace Drama
The truth of corporate is based on frequent encounters with frustrating situations, pointless gossips and numerous clashes among colleagues over silly reasons. This series describes that upto a huge extent and it seems they have already found a huge viewership among the corporate geeks.

The story revolves, as obvious, around a Mr. Das who is the eye - candy of his office. He is adorable, sensitive, and a happy-go-lucky guy.

But as it occurs with most of good men, he faces the flak of office politics and gossip and feels cornered. But unlike others, he doesn't give up and decides to give it back to those who stand in his way.

There is one particular episode which got attention of the viewers in particular where he has a one-on-one with hs boss over his leaves. That is itself enough to leave you laughing and thinking at the same time, "What would have I done?"

Must watch for all office-goers, not only for typical corporate jokes but also for getting a fresh angle on how to deal with the office issues. Really fresh and entertaining one, this!
Ankit Kumar reviewed Leila
Can you imagine a scenario where religion takes over reason?

Well, this series is purely indicative of that. It takes you to India in the year 2047, 100 years since it got independence. There is chaos and tension all around as religious hindu fascist powers try to rule the land with the government backing them in the process. They plan to outnumber the minorities in the act, and even destroy their very existence.

Huma Qureishi acts as the lead and fights the evil forces with all her might but is questioned by her own conscience several times during this battle.

Watch out if you are a fan of political and religious rivalries. With the political hoopla created throughout the country, this was a perfect time to reap in the cash for the producers of this series. Pure timing I would say, but in the end, it disappoints on many fronts - religious ideologies have been used as silly excuses, and the makers of the film have vaguely stereotyped the religions as we normally do.

It's worth watching for once, and I am pretty sure it is very hard to get addicted to this one.
This is so far the best piece of creativity I have come across by the TVF team.

They gave combined some of the budding entertainers with some of the best in business In this series and tried to recreate the childhood fantasies that we all have.

Whether it be the instance when your crush smiles at you for the first time, or you go on for a Mass bunk, you are bound to feel nostalgic after watching this series. Be ready to cry, laugh, dance, and have a great time after watching this!

It is advised that you watch it with your teenage friends so that you can watch and relate to it more. And why not, since they are the ones whom we have lived these fantasies with, right?
Excellent Storyline
How would you respond if you were asked to kill an innocent person in order to save your family who are kept at gunpoint by an unknown intruder in your house?

That is exactly what this thriller series revolve around. Leading the cast is the ever-so-elegant Tisca Chopra, who marvels in her role as a Doctor who saves lives, but finds herself in a fix when she is asked to kill the Chief Minister of the state, on whom she is supposed to operate.

The series is special for several reasons. Ronit Roy is impressive in his role as a SuperCop and proves once again that age is a just a number. Then Tisca continues to excel in playing classic roles to perfection. The support cast is really overshadowed but the ultimate hero is the story and the plot.

Must watch for suspense thriller lovers, for there are very few of them in Indian Web series market. Do watch it in one go, it's that good!
Entertaining Comedy
Really doubt that the original show of which this is a parody would think of such a re-creation of it. This brings up the funny side that Journalism and on-air reporting can take if people were, let's say a bit weird.

It raises a lot of issues that are discussed around Indian local fraternity, ranging from Board Exams to Being Single, from LGBT rights to Modi's Interview, they have got it all covered. The impersonation of Ravish Kumar has been really admired by viewers all over the country and even by the premier anchor himself.

You can watch it for the light hearted jokes, the no-nonsense comedy, and the trademark Ravish comments. But if you are not keeping up with current affairs and politics, you might have a hard time relating to a lot of stuff in the episodes.
Sensually thrilling
This is a typical psycho-fan-turned-fatal kind of thriller, with very predictable story plot. Add to it the random sexual punch, and this is a very big disappointment for people who are interested in genuine and exquisite content.

The story revolves around a young and famous writer who is facing flaks from his publisher for writing his latest Story, which has been delayed forever. For some reason, our writer guy isn't getting an inspiration, and seeks resolution, come what may.

It is at this point that an unknown fan of his starts stalking him everywhere, trying to get in touch with him. However, this is very confusing for the writer as the fan keeps eluding him at most of the occasions. He finally gets to meet "her", and she is hell bent on getting things physical. He resorts to negligence, courtesy of him having a girlfriend, but ultimately gives in to the irresistible temptations. But it doesn't here itself.

She continues to blackmail him and warns to tell his girlfriend about their secret affair. The cat-and-mouse Chase is always On in this series and it ends with a fitting climax.

You do not have to watch out for the steamy scenes, because they are way too many! Just cannot be ignored.
Exquisite Experience
Culinary experiences, for long, have been placed amongst one of the most-sought after experiences for humans. After all, Good food is a delight and it affects both the body and the soul.

This YouTube series has got all of us excited as it is hosted by one of India's finest Food celebrity and chef, Kunal Kapur. Kunal is known for his unique experiments with world-famous cuisines and infusing his own taste within them. However, this series shows him following and adapting to regional and ancient cuisines from different parts of the country. Watch him run on an exquisite trail of flavors and inviting one special guest in each of the episodes.

This series is for anyone and everyone who loves to explore flavorful food and is interested to know about the history about it. Fasten your seat belts, because this one is going to be a hell of a ride!
One of the best Series on Corporate Culture
Every Office Story Ever.

I expect the same reaction from whosoever decides to watch this, almost intuitively.

The story revolves around the bubbling intern at an IT company, who is yet to know the tricks and trades of the workplace, and more importantly, is quite unaware of the politics being played behind his back. He has a love interest at work but is too shy to admit his liking fir her (Story as old as time, isn't it?). Meanwhile, he comes to an understanding that he has done a mistake by leaving his hometown for his job and then decides to quit his job. But his supervisor has other plans and she makes him deliver his best ever performance at a client meeting and literally owns him from that very day. This breaks the other girl, and to her amazement, our boy couldn't have cared less this time. However, an interaction with the company's CEO himself clears his head space but not before it is too late. Having lost the love of his life to his own ego, he blames his boss for this and cuts off all ties with her. For further updates, season 2 is awaited.

Ankit Kumar reviewed Maaya
Meets Expectations
If the producers of Fifty Shades of Grey were to film it in India, they would very well take a cue from Maaya, the first-ever "kinky" series in India. It portrays the desires of a woman, and allows us to picturize all that an indian woman has to go through in quest of fulfilling herself. In that process, it tries to break a lot of barriers and myths about BDSM - about how it's nothing abnormal in the first place.

The story revolves around a lonely girl and her obsession with finding love in strange places. One day, he finds this dark website on the internet where a man catches her attention as she feels his story is quite hers as well. She decides to meet this guy and express her feelings to him. But that turns out to be not so good for her apparently as she lives in constant fear of being exposed and continues to hid from reality, and this leads to a dilemma in her life. What follows later is a continuous internal fight with her own conscience and the fact whether this is all that she ever wanted.

If you like dark erotic thrillers, you would like it very much.
Not withstanding the fact that the mention of Sex in indian movies/ web series is highly overrated, XXX has done well to put together a collection of high-end, twisted erotica that keeps you at the edge all the time. The stories play around with your sensual mind and more often than not, makes you wander into uncharted territories of fantasy. The star cast have been carefully chosen so as to take the Oomph factor a notch high.

It feels strange that indian audience is accepting these kinds of webs series, while just a few years back, it was all just a taboo to strip in front of the camera.

That said, watch this for a ride full of excitement, pure passion and expect things to turn a notch hot around. If I were you, I would wait for the winters to watch this!
