• Air date: 15 Sep '88 36 episodes
      The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming...
  • List of Episodes (36)
    • 26. A Sporting Life

      Mel Cregan from Coopers Crossing is the big baseballhero in New South Wales. After a great game he and his dad, Kev, are celebrating at the pub with their mates. They are rather drunk but Kev insists on driving home in the middle of the night. They have an accident and Mel hurts his leg. They need to amputate but Mel doesn't allow it. Geoff and Tom goes through with the operation anyway, to save Mel's life. After Mel's operation he goes to Sydney for specail treatment. But he swears to sue Geoff
    • 27. A Good Drop of Red

      Tom is going on holiday and with him on the Broken Hill plane are Kate, a pregnant woman and two businessmen. The businessmen want to look at a certain place which isn't on the route to Broken Hill and the pilot forges the flightplan. They crash and no one knows where they are. One of the businessmen goes for help, but it's stupid - he'll never make it without water. The woman delivers a little baby girl who is very ill. Luke and the woman's husband is out looking for them and finds the business
    • 28. The Hero

      A new RDS pilot lands himself in trouble when he gives a lift to an old rascal called Felix.
    • 29. Suspicion

      Chris has to look after a criminal, Evans. The police claims he tried to escape but his injuries are consistant with the ones of a beating. Chris feels sorry for him but finally she has to release him from the hospital. On the way to Broken Hill they have a caraccident. When Chris gets there Evans tries to kill them all but is shot to death by one of the policemen. It turned out Evans had been treated for schizophrenia.
    • 30. Daddy's Girl

      Mr Price and his grown up daughter Megan own place where men are drilling. Tom is an old friend of Megan's. While Mr Price and Megan are there, there is a big explosion. Tom and David go there, Mr Price and Megan aren't injured so they decide to fly out the men who are seriously injured first. Megan isn't happy about this - she wants her father on the plane first, but she and Mr Price end up staying back with Tom while David goes in the plane with the other men. Mr Price has a heart attack and d
    • 31. Two Sisters Running

      Two girls, Kelly and Hannah, and their grandmother have a car accident. In hospital Geoff finds out the grandmother has lethal cancer. She wants to looks for the girls' father, Michael O'Connor, their mother is dead. Geoff locates Michael on the opal-fields, but Michael won't come back. The grandmother dies, and the girls overhear Geoff when he says they might be split up. The girls run away and a search-party is organized. Geoff has found out why Michael won't come back for his kids, and confro
    • 32. Dangerous Games

      Nancy contacts an old rodeo-champion, Ralph McRae, to help Nick. Vic is jealous, he thinks Nancy and Ralph have something going. Ralph doesn't seem to realize he isn't young anymore, so he tries some rodeo, but gets really dizzy. It turns out he was near a stroke, but will be alright if he takes care of himself. He doesn't want to at first, but when he ends up in hospital he comes to his senses. Vic and Nancy are fighting and Nancy falls down the stairs. It looks like she'll be completely paraly
    • 33. Milk Run

      A woman named Lois Murchison takes a bad fall, and can't radio for help. The only one left on the property apart from herself is her very young son Ben. Lois manages to send a call to DJ on a really old radio, but he can't really identify her. Finally Tom finds her and takes her to hospital. Chris has applied for a top job in Sydney, and she got it - but turned it down!
    • 34. Point of No Return

      Amanda is seeing Mark, who works on her father's property. Her mother doesn't approve and after a fight Mark leaves. Amanda is so upset she tries to kill herself. Debbie got a bump on the head in an accident, and in the plane her headinjury gets worse and she faints. David lands the plane, and Amanda will be fine. But Debbie's pilot's license is withdrawn.
    • 35. Small Mercies

      Tom goes to see June Nichols, who is ill. Her radio is broken, so Tom takes June's son Jason to go to the neighbours for help. They have a car accident and than gets lost in the bush. They are found however, in time to save June as well.
    • 36. A Painful Extraction

      DJ's father turns up and wants DJ to return to Greece with him. DJ and his father go to see an old man out in the bush to see if he is OK, his radio isn't working. The doctors take it in turns on the radio at the base. Turns out the old man is very ill and has tetnus. DJ decides to go back to Greece with his father and leaves.