• List of Episodes (138)
    • 51. Ali Allawi

      18 Apr '07
      Tonight, former Minister of Trade, Defense, & later Finance in the Interim Iraq Governing Council, Ali Allawi, who is also promoting his new book, The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace. Jon begins tonight's show with "Mess O'Potamia", where amid one of the bloodiest days in Iraq, 6 Shiite cabinet ministers resigned because Prime Minister al-Maliki will not set a timetable for U.S. troop withdrawal. Also, Jon looks at Bush's new war czar position, which has been created to app
    • 52. Jeremy Scahill

      19 Apr '07
      Tonight, journalist and author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, Jeremy Scahill. Jon begins the show by talking with Senior Legal Correspondent Aasif Mandvi about the Supreme Courts decision to affirm the partial birth abortion ban in a segment called "America Decides". Jon then talks about Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez who testified before the Senate about not recalling anything he may or may not have done. Finally, Jason Jones talks with Frosty Hardison,
    • 53. Matt Cooper

      23 Apr '07
      Tonight, journalist for the Condé Nast Portfolio, Matt Cooper. Jon begins tonight show with a look at France's runoff election for President between conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and socialist Segolene Royal. Jon then does a brief recap of the Alberto Gonbzalez testimony and talks with Senior Washington Correspondent John Oliver about Bush's reaction to the testimony. Finally, Samantha Bee does a story about Earth Day in a segment called "Man v. Earth: The Wreckoning".
    • 54. Senator John McCain

      24 Apr '07
      Tonight, presidential candidate Senator John McCain. Jon begins the show with a look at the continuing battle in Washington D.C. over funding for the war and the use of timetables in a segment called "Mess O'Potomac". Finally, Jon talks with 1st term President Bush and 2nd term Bush using past clips of the President that seemingly contradict one another.
    • 55. Garry Shandling

      25 Apr '07
      Tonight, comedian Garry Shandling promotes his new DVD Not Just the Best of the Larry Sanders Show. Jon begins tonight's show with a look at Baghdad and how the Bush administration is bridging the gap between Shiites and Sunnis by building a series of walls in Baghdad in a segment called "Extreme Makeover: Baghdad Edition". Jon then talks with Baghdad Bureau Chief Aasif Mandvi about the Baghdad walls in a segment called "Wall or Nothing". Finally, Lewis Black makes fun of several Earth Day telev
    • 56. Richard Gere

      26 Apr '07
      Tonight, actor Richard Gere promotes his new movie The Hoax.
    • 57. Christopher Hitchens

      30 Apr '07
      Tonight, author and journalist Christopher Hitchens promotes his book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.
    • 58. Tobey Maguire

      01 May '07
    • 59. Pierre Rehov

      02 May '07
      Tonight, director Pierre Rehov promotes his new documentary out on DVD, Suicide Killers. Jon begins the show with a good old fashioned Washington D.C. sex scandal. Deborah Jeane Palfrey a.k.a. Miz Julia, has submitted 46 pounds of telephone records from an escort service she ran for 13 years. Jon looks at the media frenzy to see which powerful D.C. men are on the list in a segment called "Beltway: Unbuckled". Senior Washington Correspondent Jason Jones talks with Jon about the how one can hire a
    • 60. Ted Koppel

      03 May '07
      Tonight, journalist Ted Koppel. Politicians on television programs us common folks watch are prevalent this week as Jon begins the show by looking at President Bush and Laura Bush on American Idol & Hillary Clinton on The Insider. As the 4th anniversary of Bush's mission accomplished on the aircraft carrier fiasco loomed large this week, the Democrats passed the Iraq funding bill only to have it vetoed by Bush in a continuing show segment, "Mess O' Potamac". Finally, snitchin' is not hip in the
    • 61. Lee Gutkind

      07 May '07
      Tonight, author Lee Gutkind promotes his new book Almost Human: Making Robots Think. Jon begins the show with an in depth look at the Republican presidential candidate debate last week in a continuing show segment, "Clusterf@#k to the White House". Senior Correspondent Aasif Mandvi reporting live from the gates of hell talks with Jon about John McCain's comment at the debate that he will hunt Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell in a segment called "Styx & Stones". Finally, John Oliver gives us
    • 62. George Tenet

      08 May '07
      Tonight, former director of the CIA and author of At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA, George Tenet. Jon begins with Queen Elizabeth II visit to Washington D.C. where she hung out with President Bush at a series of events in a segment called "Elizabeth II: Visit from a Nice Old Lady". Finally, Jon talks with Royal Watcher John Oliver who wasn't as excited as he should be about the Queen's visit.
    • 63. Michael Beschloss

      09 May '07
      Tonight, presidential historian Michael Beschloss promotes his new book Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989. Jon begins with a foiled terrorist plot to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey by terrorists who delivered pizza to the army base. "Mess O'Potamia" continues as Jon reports about a secret 24 member all Shiite panel dubbed "The Office" who exert their authority to overrule official government decisions in order to help Shiite militias. But fear not, because
    • 64. Reza Aslan

      10 May '07
      Tonight, author of No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Reza Aslan. The show begins with "Mess O' Potomac" as Jon talks about the new Iraq spending bill that promises Bush half of the money now and the other half contingent on a July progress report. Of course, Bush plans another veto saying that any restrictions placed on the Iraq War by Congress is unacceptable and promotes defeatism. So when will the war end and what is Bush's definition of victory or success in Iraq?
    • 65. Jeremy Paxman

      14 May '07
      Tonight, BBC news reporter and author of the new book, On Royalty: A Very Polite Inquiry into Some Strangely Related Families, Jeremy Paxman. The show begins with a clip of Bush "The Decider" taking matters into his own hands and conducting an orchestra during the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. The fired U.S. attorney's scandal continues as Alberto Gonzalez testifies about what he doesn't remember before the House Judiciary Committee in a segment called "House A.G.". Senior Lega
    • 66. Tim Russert

      15 May '07
      Tonight, the host of Meet the Press and author of Wisdom of Our Fathers: Lessons and Letters from Daughters and Sons, Tim Russert. "Clusterf@#k to the White House" continues with Jon showing us four of the presidential candidates hitting the airwaves on Mother's Day to talk about themselves. Jason Jones enlightens us about the importance of good skin and spin doctoring for politicians in a segment called "Nip/Talk". Finally, in a segment entitled "Banned Width", Jon talks about how reporters are
    • 67. Don Rickles

      16 May '07
    • 68. Brink Lindsey

      17 May '07
      Tonight, contributing editor to Reason Magazine & author of the new book The Age of Abundance: How Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture, Brink Lindsey.
    • 69. Zaki Chehab

      21 May '07
      Tonight, journalist and author of Inside Hamas: The Untold Story of the Militant Islamic Movement, Zaki Chehab. The show begins with some breaking news out of the Middle East that amazingly has nothing to do with the U.S. in a segment called "Middle East Trouble?" Military forces in Lebanon attacked a Palestinian refugee camp that harbored an al-Qaeda sect called Fatah al-Islam. Senior Beirut Correspondent Jason Jones stops by to give his report on the breaking news out of Lebanon. The end of an
    • 70. Margaret Spellings

      22 May '07
      Tonight, the current Secretary of Education under President Bush, Margaret Spellings. Jon begins tonights show with the new Immigration Reform Bill being proposed in Congress in a segment called "Aliens v. Senators". Senior Immigration Correspondent Aasif Mandvi goes over some of the more complicated parts of the bill with Jon. Finally, Dan Bakkedahl experiences the joy in what it's like to be a Mexican crossing the border illegally in a segment called "Mexodus".
    • 71. Lt. Col. Kevin Robbins

      23 May '07
      Tonight, the commander of the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron “Thunderbirds”, Lt. Col. Kevin Robbins. Jon begins the show with "Mess O'Potomac" as the Democrats withdraw any timetables they had in their Iraq War funding bill, instead opting for a series of objectives that have to be met by the Iraqi's. Who determines if they meet these objectives, why Bush of course. Jon nails Senator Harry Reid who agreed with the new bill, even though it's substantially similar to Senator John Warner
    • 72. Al Gore

      24 May '07
      Tonight, former politician and current political activist on the environment and author of The Assault on Reason, Al Gore. Jon begins with a look at the media blitzkrieg on reports about high gas prices in a segment called "Gas Pains". Senior Petroleum Expert Rob Riggle dresses up in Mad Max gear to talk with Jon about this story. Finally, Jon reports about Monica Goodling who testified before the House Judiciary Committee about the fired U.S. attorney's in a segment called "Illegally Blonde".
    • 73. Rep. Ron Paul

      04 Jun '07
      Tonight, Jon talks with Republican candidate for President, Ron Paul. Jon begins tonight's show by describing his vacation last week to Greece where he met a man named Andrew on the plane, who incidentally is the same man who caused the tuberculosis scare around the world. "Clusterf@#k to the White House" continues as Jon reports on the recent Democrat debate. Jon looks at the multitude of raise your hand questions by Wolf Blitzer, the we all speak the same language of Hillary Clinton, the Edwar
    • 74. Paul Rudd

      05 Jun '07
      Tonight, actor Paul Rudd promotes his new movie Knocked Up. Jon begins the show tonight with the Scooter Libby jail sentence. Libby was sentenced to 30 months in jail and a $250,000 fine. Letters of praise and denouncement were sent to the judge to help him determine a sentence. Jon takes a look at some of the letters sent in praise of Libby from the likes of such distinguished individuals as Henry Kissinger & Donald Rumsfeld. Jon reports on Congressman William Jefferson who was charged on numer
    • 75. Michael Barone

      06 Jun '07
      Tonight, political analyst and author of Our First Revolution: The Remarkable British Upheaval That Inspired America's Founding Fathers, Michael Barone. Jon begins with "Clusterf@#k to the White House" and a look at Tuesday's Republican debate. Jon highlights some of the debate's finer points from whether the candidates would invade Iraq given what they know now, would they allow openly gay members of the military, and general 'I believe in God' comments and fear mongering. Also, Senior Campaign