  • 4/5

Seven kids all born on the same day but conceived miraculously by women across the world. Each kid possessing unique superpowers that seems to come with a price. A dead "father". A not so human mother. A talking Ape. Oh and not to forget the blurry line between good and bad.

All the children of the house have a superpower. To list them out Super strength, precise aim, mind control, can see the dead,time travel, tentacle monster. The seventh power to be revealed when you watch it.

Season 1 is basically the backstory of the seven when they were young and how they went on their own path only to be reunited by their fathers death.Until all of a sudden they need to find a plan to stop the world from coming to an end.

Season 2 starts off by showcasing that the seven have time traveled into the past and are scattered across the years. Oh and they brought the end of the world back with them. The journey is off the umbrella academy finding their way back to each other to stop the world from ending, again!

This show is one of the best Sci-fi dramas on Netflix. The ethnic diversity and sexual orientation among the cast is applaudable. The show does not seem to be a drag and each passing movement only builds the suspense. The episodes also sheds some light on various important moments in history. All in all this movie is a full package of positive surprises.
