The Originals Review

Ketki Patankar
  • 4/5
A spin off worth watching!

The Originals, is a spin off of the hit drama - The Vampire Diaries. The show tells us about the original vampire family - The Michaelsons. Their track in TVD was discontinued to make was for The Originals and it was a risk that paid off. We get to see Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah in New Orleans which was their home before it was destroyed by their father. The French Quarter of New Orleans is now home to vampires headed by Klaus' protege Marcel, witches and werewolves.

The show unlike TVD focuses more on internal politics, control and ancient rites and customs. This makes for an interesting watch for fans of TVD who got bored of its constant storyline. Although just done with its first season, the show has shown potential. Also the combined fandom of Joseph Morgan and Daniel Gilles has led to quite a following among girls.

Watch the show to know more about the original vampire family and their history and their dealings with the witches of The French Quarter.A show that is fast paced, thrilling and an entertainer, The Originals is a must watch.
