Amish Gupta
  • 2.5/5
“Singapore” is secondary.

To be fair, reality TV targets viewers with a certain appetite for so called 'unscripted drama', but “Singapore Social” might just be a no go even for hardcore reality TV enthusiasts.

On the surface, the show seems to have curated an interesting mix of people. We have a fashion influencer, an entrepreneur, a youtuber, a singer, a burlesque dancer and a philanthropist/actor hanging out together far too often than their busy work schedules should permit, however, as the show progresses most of their already trite on-screen personalities turn into a bland mix of conceit and indifference.

Besides their common cry over hard to please Asian parents, there are hardly any culturally relevant premises. The term “Singapore” can be very well be struck off from the title and still make no difference to the show.
