Amish Gupta
  • 3.5/5
Symphony is the star.

The New York symphony is a lot more than just music. Musicians with grudges, Maestros with quandaries and patrons with agendas are a few things that make New York symphony a world famous spectacle.

‘Mozart in the jungle’ takes us on a journey of music, drama and humour surrounding the Orchestra ‘New York symphony’ who have just appointed Rodrigo (Gael García Bernal), an eccentric, humble and pious maestro to conduct the orchestra. The other protagonist, Hailey Rutledge (Lola Kirke), has been appointed as a substitute oboist for the orchestra, and their chemistry becomes an interesting will they, won't they mystery from the start.

There are actually quite a few stories lines that run parallel, and each one features well developed, nuanced characters yet I found myself hitting the close button more than 'next' after each episode ended. What stands out most is the balance that show creates between the music and drama. While symphonies are the show's star, the performances and plot line isn't too weak altogether.

While I still may have trouble fully comprehending the title, it’s no deterrent to savoring the experience of some brilliant symphonies that the show offer. With some magnificent backdrops, production design and memorable quotes, the show may not be the most intriguing drama out there but still is a fresh concept that at the very least will leave you quite educated about the an orchestra’s day to day.
