  • 4/5

The revelation of Mississippi Grind is Australian actor Ben Mendelsohn as the sad sack middle aged gambling addict Gerry. Before Sundance, I had never seen his work, and Mississippi Grind was the second film -- the first the excellent Slow West where he plays a central supporting role. His role as Gerry couldn't be more different than the flamboyant bounty hunter he plays in Slow West.

Gerry is deep in debt to the local loan shark -- played so amusingly by Alfre Woodard! He meets Ryan Reynolds at an Iowa River Boat casino. Ryan Reynolds here plays to type as fellow gambler Curtis. He's a garolous gambler always with an amusing story. We're not sure if he's a con man or what, and his back story is slowly somewhat revealed over the course of the movie.

Gerry and Curtis become fast friends, and they embark on a gambling trip down the Mississippi at various river boat casinos on their way to a big stakes poker game in New Orleans.

It's an effective buddy road trip movie, and takes some unexpected twists. Ryan Reynolds is good, but Ben Mendelsohn is excellent.
