  • 3/5


The above article amuses me no end!

So we went as a family to see Jurassic World on 3D IMAX last night.

It was good for a sequel, and I loved Chris Pratt. Maybe a three star. It needed Jeff Goldblum's Dr. Malcolm in the worst way. Jake Johnson was sort of that character (and the bit where he is wearing an old Jurassic Park t-shirt he found on ebay is pretty funny.)

What I LOVED was Irrfan Khan's part, and I'm absolutely sure I was the only one in the theater super excited when he came on screen. He plays the very wealthy corporate owner of the park, and Bryce Dallas Howard runs the park, and is super nervous about Irrfan's visit. I thought he would be the villain, and he's not. He just has a childlike joy about the park, and he's learning to pilot a helicopter (very unsteadily to Bryce's terror).

He looks damn fine in his very tailored suit, too.
