Amish Gupta
  • 2.5/5
A unique concept lacking execution

The show starts off bad, gets better and then eventually tumbles down to worse. Vir das is a great performer and a host for the show but definitely lacks his usual flare as a stand-up comic. For a show that is about accessing the tolerance of various cultures when it comes to stereotypes and comedy, the script is brim filled with annoying clichés.

The show is an attempt to find what is funny to the Indians. Vir das and his entourage travel from town to town exploring its topography and finding answers to some uncomfortable cultural norms. They meet the locals, travel and learn. At the end of each episode, Vir puts up a stand-up show.

What stood out to me most of was the direction and editing. The locations and backdrops are breath taking. However, editing doesn’t make up for pathetic comedy and stand-up performances that puts the viewer right to sleep. It becomes clear when watching the show, scripts have been hastened and Vir das didn’t have much time to put up a performance.

The show has a novel concept but lacks execution. Althought the show is unique experience yet it can not be strongly recommended.
