  • 3.5/5

'It Happened in Hong Kong' is about two lone travelers who decide to travel together and how that changes their life. In the maiden webisode, Aahana is travelling alone in Hong Kong, away from all the madness of Bombay. She was laid off from her HR job and she broke up with her boyfriend of 7 years, whom she was scheduled to marry. During her soul searching trip, she is also penning down her travel experiences for a travel book. She accidentally bumps into Amol, an Indian from Delhi who extends his business trip to explore Hong Kong. Amol is trying to come to terms with the loss of his father. And as a tribute to his father, Amol gave up his job as a pilot to take over the family leather business.

Over a cup of coffee, the two decide to spend the remaining days in Hong Kong exploring the city together.

The plot of the web series is very fresh and hence appealing. The locales of Hong Kong are captured well in the episode, so much that you want to go on a trip yourself. Amol and Aahana complement each other very well. It Happened in Hong Kong will give you the same feel, garnished with a story featuring two famous digital stars.

Overall, a good watch!!
