Reviews & Ratings for
Caché (2005)

Medha Nidhi reviewed Caché
Questions with no answers.
This movie was so different from anything I have watched, when it was over, I had a look of utter confusion on my face.
The movie starts of with the sound of birds and the camera focused on a house. There people who occasionally pass by. This frame is maintained for longer than you would expect. After the first two minutes, you wonder if the entire movie is just this. Eventually, the frame moves to the inside of the house that it was focused on previously and it is evident that this is a video that a couple is watching.They received the video anonymously.
The movie proceeds to introduce the main character Georges and his wife Anne. Their son Pierrot enters later.
The movie seems to have multiple plots, or no plot at all, making it hard to know what the movie is even about. This is evident somewhere in the latter half of the movie when Pierrot doesn't come back home for 2 days. It is assumed that he has been kidnapped by the sender of the tapes, who has managed to send more tapes and drawings of grotesque things that only Georges seems to recognise. This is where we realise that there has been no kidnapping. The question of who the sender of the tapes was is now even more difficult to answer than it was.
There are two more characters who seem vital to the movie. Majid and his son. Majid was Georges' childhood friend and Georges believes it is he who sent the tapes. When Georges interrogates him, Majid disagrees. Claiming that he didn't know about the tapes.
Georges then believes it was Majid and his son who kidnapped Pierrot. He is proved wrong when Pierrot returns and the question of the tapes still remains.
After multiple confusing twists and turns where we assume something important is happening,when it actually isn't, the frame focuses on the entrance to Pierrot's school. There are multiple people in the frame, making it hard to focus on one. Pierrot is seen talking to someone. Most people say it was Majid's son, but there have been disagreements about that. If Majid's son and Pierrot did speak, it seems like the director consciously placed them on a side to prevent the audience from noticing them.
After a few minutes of this frame, the movie ends. No questions are answered. In fact, new questions start to appear with no hope of an answer. What is this movie about? What does the title of the movie signify? Who sent the tapes? Why did Pierrot run away? None of these questions are answered.
YEs, this movie will leave you frustrated and annoyed and with a lot of questions. Yet, it is an interesting film to watch. It will trick you into thinking you know what's going on and suddenly sweep the floor from under your feet, leaving you disoriented and unsettled.
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