Flip Review

  • 4/5

The anthology consists of four stories, and all four talk about one small incident that changes the course of life for the characters. The stories are fresh, interesting and novel. Basically, the series works on the concept that’s a benchmark of fiction – one incident can change your life. This concept is an integral part of the DC legacy and the Joker’s storyline – and an entire film in the franchise was set up on this premise.

The four main characters of our stories- the ones who are affected- Sheetal Menon, Ranvir Shorey, Jim Sarbh, and Arjun Mathur are spectacular, a vision, in their respective roles. They portray the two opposing ends of a personality with such perfection and candour, making the characters alive in the story and through the screen. The supporting characters are equally, if not more so, important as they are the ones who push these four heroes, or villains, to and over the brink.

Flip not only has a good story, but also brilliant execution. The visuals and background music are perfectly synced with each plotline, from the beginning to the end. Flip justifies its title to the fullest, delivering stories that are as crazy, weird and mind-flipping as they can get.

Apart from the fact that it seems to be over too soon, there’s nothing stopping you from watching this series. Definitely, definitely worth a watch.

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