Karthic S
  • 5/5

I was never excited about a film in recent times after Kabali. I was so looking forward to this and was extremely happy when I reached my seat minuted before the start of the movie. The Baahubali part one was not complete since it ended in a cliffhanger after that epic battle which raised the expectations for this movie even higher.

Coming to the second part, it starts straight from the flashback portions. Now, all waiting for Baahubali to be crowned. And, we get a few comic moments between Prabhas and Kattappa while he romances the astounding beauty Anushka. And, we have a battle sequence as well with Oxen running with flames in their horns and Prabhas shooting three arrows at once and as well as teaching Anushka the same. And, a similar interval block where Rana once again feels small even after becoming the King of Mahismati. I was already got more than what I expected just from the first half itself. It had a lot of whistle worthy sequences. One of my favourite parts is when Baahubali's identity was revealed to Devasena and her people.


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