Reviews & Ratings for
Avatar 2 (2022)

This one just flows!
Avatar :The Way of Water
I cannot believe it has been 13 years since we all saw Avatar in theaters. Not to mention, 25 years since we saw Titanic in theaters!
It’s become a trend to hate on Avatar since its blockbuster release. But I loved the film in theaters back then and the many times I have seen it at home it still holds up. For me the first Avatar is one of the best Scf-Fi movies ever made.
So, the sequel of the BEST 3D movie ever is here and I just had to check it out in Imax 3D. No other format can do this film justice.

James Cameron is an amazing director. He has made 7 straight block busters in his career. This is his 8th one. This movie deals with what Jake Sully and his expanded family are doing on Pandora as the people from Earth are back in huge forces.
The story of the film is a bit generic as was the case with the previous film. I think the director has decided that the visual awe and spectacle of these film must come to the forefront and hence he keeps making the plots extremely simple and easy to follow. Its not like Cameron doesn’t make complicated plotted films, but Avatar 1 and 2 both are not that. So don’t go in expecting twists and turns and mind-bending plot devices. This is not a Nolan film. Some plot devices and points of the first film are re-used in some manner in this one and it doesn’t feel repetitive as its not happening to the same characters but it does all too familiar at times.
Instead, this movie is a visual spectacle. I challenge anyone to show a movie better made in the VFX department. The VFX is so good that its very easy to forget that every frame is CGI. The underwater scenes look like they were shot on location. Even the mechs and other technology look absolutely real. This is not a film that can be fully enjoyed at home. Anyone trying to catch it on OTT on their mobile is missing 90% of the films impact. So, this movie is a theatrical experience. Everyone was worried that Marvel movies have raised people’s bar for VFX or that VFX have become too common now so people might not enjoy this film. But the breathtaking level of CGI in this film is like nothing that has been seen on screen before. But to see the DETAILS you have to see it on a huge screen.
The acting is motion captured so to have bad performances would be really difficult. Still Neytiri comes across as a bit hysterical and high strung as compared to every other Na’vi and Human character including her children. But then she was like that in the previous film too.
The cinematography (though wholly digital) has to be seen to be believed. The shots are kept simple and there is not much of camera movements or nauseating Shakey camera moments. There are moments where you will feel like you are actually underwater and swimming. I typically HATE underwater films like Aquaman or Waterworld which come across and boring and tedious, but not this film. The underwater scenes are really well done. Plus the action underwater is swift yet clearly visible. It doesn’t become a visual mess like Aquaman. The scenes feel like they are really shot with blue Na’vi actors in some real ocean.
The music is adequate but none of the main themes really stuck out to me. But it gets the job done. James Horner the previous music director of the first part has tragically passed away. He will be missed sorely.
Overall : This is a must must watch in theaters. Make sure you have a clean 3D glass and the theater you visit has a good brightness. Seeing this at home is pointless.
Rating : 8/10. I frankly enjoyed the first one a lot more. This part 2 is visually amazing, but I feel the next two sequels might make me reconsider the rating of this film. Even though the story is complete and there is no cliff hanger moment, it does feel a bit incomplete. Its how Empire Strikes Back felt a bit hollow till the next part came out. So I liked the first one more than this one, but this still is a really good film with some great action moments.
