  • 2.5/5

A fall from Grace is a thriller and crime movie that brings out the demons of our society. A woman Grace Waters has been charged with the offence of murder. The case is been taken up Jasmine Bryant who usually lead her cases to be plea bargains. This case turns out to be something very new to her after she uncovers the truth behind the alleged murder.

I have mixed feelings about the movie. When it comes to the message that was delivered to the audience, I applaud the concept. But neither did the plot nor the storyline make any sense. There was so many illogical events and mistakes so out there even for a rookie audience. The worse part of it all was that the scenes that were supposed to be filmed in "different locations" were all in same set building. Zero effort was put into concealing that fact. I know the movie tried to show the audience how flawed and unfair the legal system can be, but with a better script and a plot this movie could have been Oscar worthy. They missed by a huge huge mark.
