One of my favorites
How I miss HIMYM
Ted-Robin! :)
Mother :(
Barney !
It's Legen-wait for it-dary
Based on the lives of five friends living in Manhattan,HIMYM(as it is fondly referred to) is a coming-of-age sitcom which narrates its story backwards. Not technically backwards,just that it shows Ted Mosby,the protagonist telling the story of his college life,his several relationships and the moments spent with his friends,before he met their biological mother. Why do I use 'biological'? Well if you are a fan you know it-or you will,eventually!
Ted is an aspiring architect living with Marshall-an aspiring environment lawyer and his beloved,Lily-the mother-hen of the group,who aspires to be an artist but is stuck with the job of a kindergarten teacher. And within their simple mundane loves,a dash of spice is added by the unpredictable and incredible Barney Stinson- whose job still remains a mystery. Their lives and its pace faces a change when Robin Scherbatsky,a Canadian journalist enters their lives. She is smart,beautiful and at the first glance Ted is attracted towards her. With this begins a new chapter in all of their lives-where Robin becomes a permanent member of their group and a love interest of both Barney and Ted.
The relationships of Ted-Robin and Barney-robin hold the center-stage throughout,though the at first shaky,but later super-steady relationship of Marshall and Lily holds the story together. The show charts every part of the lives of these five people-their childhood,their parents,their love-affairs significant and insignificant ones,the progresses in their careers very particularly, focusing on each character equally just that this progression is not linear. The most exciting element of this show is that every event is revealed through Ted's mode of narration to his children. All the characters are developed beautifully and each are given individual traits and fair share of luck and heartbreaks which make them convincing and lovable.The themes of love,mature relationships,marriage,un-reciprocated love,moving on after a failed relationship is depicted realistically and beautifully. The emotional content is really high and it reaches the climax in the final season when Barney is all set to marry Ted's love,Robin and Ted meets the children's mother,Tracy, only to lose her a few years later. Over-all, a very loved show and hugely popular because of Barney's antics and methodology of wooing women-and his character contrasted with the sensitive lover in Ted. The chemistry of Lily and Marshall and the failures of Robin,the successful career-woman,on the relationship front,makes the whole mix of the show really warm.
To summarize HIMYM..
Its going to be..Legen...wait for ir..dary!!!!!!!!