One of SRK's best performances.
Based on the life of Mie Ranjan Negi, Chak De India is a film not just about sports but the dignity and spirit of a sportsman. Kabir khan,a hockey star,who is Muslim by birth and played for India,once unfortunately committed a mistake in a crucial match which made him garner the title of 'Gaddar'-a backstabber who plays for India and lets Pakistan win! Chak De is the story of Kabir Khan,the man who proves his detractors wrong through a long arduous journey.
Kabir khan coaches a women's hockey team and wishes that they participate in the women's hockey world cup. The first difficulty is selecting women from various states with various backgrounds and creating a harmonious team out of them. The strict,dour and introvert Kabir Khan who has been nursing the wound of being called a traitor,spends every drop of sweat to make his team stand a chance at the championship. After a series of unusual struggles and obstacles,the team finally wins the championship and Kabir's tainted dignity is redeemed.
A heartwarming tale of loss and regain,Chak De is beautiful in its storytelling and the performance of each and every person in the cast. Shimit Amin's direction renders a crisp flavour to the movie,without making the theme overtly sentimental despite dealing with a sensitive issue. Shah Rukh gives a stellar performance,and so does the girls of the Indian Team.
Take a bow Director and Shah Rukh Khan!
Be ready to hail the director Shimit Amin for the masterpiece. It is a story of an ex-Indian Hockey player who was accused of being a traitor in the final of the World Cup against arch rivals Pakistan. This player, returns as a coach Kabir Khan played by Shah Rukh Khan, after seven years of exile to coach Indian girls' Hockey team which resembles so much to that of Lagaan team.
All the players are champions of their state and the best in their own right but the cultural stereotypes and the intra-groupism leads difference between the team. The coach even after ridiculed by the association and even the team players, doesn't give up and vows to take the team to World Cup and give their best shot.
Kabir Khan with his unique methods, encouraging talks, sharp knowledge and vast experience of Hockey turns a meager bickering team into a formidable side even though they will remain underdogs when compared to any other Team across the globe. He brings the best out of the team proving himself alongside as the true supporter of the nation and wanting to win the most for his nation.
The fights between the strict and disciplined coach and the players and the differences in the ideologies between the teammates is wonderfully depicted by the director.
Even though lagging in pace, the movie keeps you glued until the last scene as the Hockey scenes and cinematography is near to perfection. One must praise Shah Rukh Khan for another brilliant performance who without any of his trademark stints takes the movie higher up on the watch list. This is why he is the KING of Bollywood. The movie gives a wonderful experience and missing it might make you eat up your mind!
This is the reason why she is genius of the year :-P Alia Trolled!
When one man takes the nation to glory after being blamed of letting the nation down!!!!!!
That's what every Indian feels when someone makes the country proud!