• Air date: 28 Aug '93 60 episodes
      Alien sorceress Rita Repulsa and her army of monsters emerge from space to conquer Earth. All that stands in their way are five teenagers with attitude who draw on dinosaur powers to transform into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
  • List of Episodes (60)
    • 1. Day of the Dumpster

      28 Aug '93
      Following the accidental release of long-imprisoned evil space-sorceress Rita Repulsa, a benevolent sage known as Zordon drafts a group of five teenagers to help protect the planet as dino-powered warriors of goodness.
    • 2. High Five

      07 Sep '93
      The five Ranger Teens begin to settle into their new roles as protectors of both Angel Grove, and the entire planet. Billy, the genius boy in blue, invents a series of silver watchbands with which they can both talk to each other, and teleport to the Command Center (the Communicators). Meanwhile, at her evil palace on the moon, Rita Repulsa schemes to do to the Rangers what she did to Zordon long ago. With the help of Finster's device, she attempts to trap the Power Rangers inside of a strange T
    • 3. Teamwork

      08 Sep '93
      Kim & Trini attempt to shut down a local waste dump with a petition. Little do they realize, that the waste dump belongs to Rita! She's trying to trash the whole world, and has Finster create the Minotaur monster to help protect the dump site. Our heroes learn a valuable lesson in working together, using their Dinozords against the monster individually at first. Though the Megazord isn't enough, new Power Weapons for each of the Rangers, and their powerful combination, bring down the Minotaur. T
    • 4. A Pressing Engagement

      09 Sep '93
      At the Youth Center, Jason attempts to break Bulk's benchpressing record, only to be severely distracted. Rita comes up with a plan to divide and conquer the Rangers, by splitting them up during a battle with the King Sphinx monster. It takes the Zord-charging power of their Coins' Power Crystals to bring everyone back together, and to take down King Sphinx & Goldar.
    • 5. Different Drum

      10 Sep '93
      Kimberly's deaf friend, Melissa, has a tough time fitting in. When the Gnarly Gnome monster strikes, using music to hypnotize the children of Angel Grove, her handicap allows her to remain unaffected. With her aid, the Power Rangers put an end to the Gnome's symphony of destruction.
    • 6. Food Fight

      04 Sep '93
      Ernie's Youth Center & Juice Bar sponsors an International Food Festival, in cooperation with Angel Grove High. The five Ranger teens are among those involved. Rita sends down Finster's latest creation, the aptly named Pudgy Pig, to consume the festival's food supply, as well as anything else he can fit into his hungry mouth. Pudgy Pig even ends up eating the Rangers' Power Weapons! A weak spot is noticed, involving his dislike for spicy foods, and soon the monster's eating binge comes to an exp
    • 7. Big Sisters

      30 Sep '93
      Kim & Trini get the task of being "big sisters" to a mischievous little girl named Maria. Rita kidnaps the bratty child, with intent of using her to open a magic trunk filled with Power Eggs. The Rangers end up facing the Chunky Chicken monster to save the annoying girl. All of this, plus, Billy unveils his specially modified VW Beetle, known as the RADBUG.
    • 8. Happy Birthday, Zack

      16 Sep '93
      The Ranger teens & Ernie plan a surprise party at the Juice Bar for Zack. The secrecy leads him to believe they've all forgotten about his birthday. Rita shows she cares, by sending down a special treat, a vicious black knight monster known as Nasty Knight. The Black Ranger faces off with him, Power Axe to sword. Later, Zack's birthday party goes off without a hitch, though Ernie ends up getting covered in cake instead of Bulk & Skull for a change.
    • 9. I, Eye Guy

      14 Sep '93
      Billy helps his young brainy buddy Willy with a Virtual Reality device for the Angel Grove science fair. Willy's intelligence and lack of self-confidence entices Rita, as she schemes to capture him and use his experiments for evil. The Eyeguy scopes the boy out, but fails to see the Rangers coming.
    • 10. Power Ranger Punks

      20 Sep '93
      With the Ranger teens distracted, Baboo sneaks to Earth and drugs their lemonade with a magical potion. Billy & Kimberly are the only two to take a sip, but the effects on them are quite odd. They both start acting like punks, picking on kids at the high school, and even scaring Bulk & Skull. The other 3 Rangers have more important issues to deal with, namely Rita's Terror Toad monster. Zordon traps the two out of control teens in the Command Center, and sends Alpha off on a dangerous mission al
    • 11. Peace, Love, and Woe

      21 Sep '93
      There's a big party coming up at the Youth Center, but the nerdy Billy is as dateless as ever. By coincidence, he bumps into an equally brainy girl named Marge, and the two hit it off. Soon, Rita's ally, Madame Woe, mistakes Marge for a Ranger, and captures her. The actual Rangers come to her rescue, combining their powers, and destroying her without even needing their Megazord. Billy & Marge happily go to the dance together, and she's never seen nor mentioned again afterwards.
    • 12. Foul Play in the Sky

      22 Sep '93
      Kim goes for flying lessons with her pilot uncle Steve. Bulk & Skull tag along. Rita's henchman Squatt spikes Steve's drink with a sleeping potion, which kicks into effect while in the skies over Angel Grove. Kim nervously takes over flying the four-seater plane, and with a little guidance from Alpha 5, lands safely. She then joins her teammates in battle with the Snizzard monster, already in progress.
    • 13. For Whom the Bell Trolls

      15 Sep '93
      It's hobby week at Angel Grove High. The Ranger teens have all brought in various items reflective of their personalities. Trini brings in her doll collection, along with her favorite one of all, a blue elf named Mr. Ticklesneezer. Rita ends up stealing him, and turning him into a monster. Ticklesneezer goes around shrinking things and collecting them into bottles. This includes the Megazord, as the Rangers meet their first real defeat, only to have it turn out to all be just a dream of Trini's.
    • 14. No Clowning Around

      17 Sep '93
      The fair has come to Angel Grove, and the Ranger teens enjoy a day at it, with Trini's cousin Sylvia. The fair turns out to be a front for Rita, with numerous Putties as clowns. One such clown, named Pineapple, turns Sylvia into a cardboard cutout. He reveals himself to be a creature named Pineoctopus. Billy & Alpha solve Sylvia's 2-dimensional dilemma, and the Rangers shut down the evil carnival for good.
    • 15. Dark Warrior

      28 Sep '93
      When Rita finds out that Trini's scientist uncle is working on an invisibliity forumla, she sends down her latest monster, the Dark Warior, to capture him and obtain the forumla.
    • 16. Switching Places

      04 Oct '93
      When Billy's switching machine experiment goes awry, he and Kimberly end up switching bodies. Kimberly, stuck in Billy's body, and Billy, stuck in Kimberly's must find a way to deal with the problem quickly when Rita sends the Genie Monster down to Angel Grove.
    • 17. Green With Evil (1): Out of Control

      05 Oct '93
      In part 1of this thrilling multi-part episode, Rita casts a spell on a new Angel Grove High student by the name of Tommy Oliver and lures him to the dark side. She then uses her previously unmentioned sixth power coin, which apparantly she had won in a battle with Zordon, to turn him into her evil Green Ranger. His mission: To destroy the other 5 Rangers.
    • 18. Green With Evil (2): Jason's Battle

      06 Oct '93
      Still recovering from the mysterious Green Ranger's attack, the Rangers try to undo the damage he's done to the command center. Meanwhile, Rita gives her evil Green Ranger the Sword of Darkness to seal the deal, and Tommy manages to teleport and trap Jason into Rita's Dark Dimension where he must do battle with Goldar.
    • 19. Green With Evil (3): The Rescue

      07 Oct '93
      As the four remaining Rangers continue their search for Jason, unaware that he's trapped in Rita's Dark Dimension, they are then attacked by the vicious Scorpina. Eventually, Alpha is able to locate Jason and teleports him back into the command center, but the evil Green Ranger is still on the loose and the Ranger's still have no idea who is behind that green mask.
    • 20. Green With Evil (4): Eclipsing Megazord

      08 Oct '93
      As the Rangers use their Megazord to battle Goldar, Scorpina and the Green Ranger, they are crushed in battle and forced to retreat back to the command center. Meanwhile, due to the small visit the Green Ranger paid to the command center earlier, Alpha is now able to identify that Tommy Oliver is the evil Green Ranger.
    • 21. Green With Evil (5): Breaking the Spell

      09 Oct '93
      The Rangers, now aware that their new friend Tommy is the man behind the Green Ranger suit, continue to do battle with him as he summons his Dragon Zord. When the Sword of Darkness is destroyed and Rita's spell on Tommy is lifted, the Rangers and Zordon extend Tommy an offer to join them in the fight against evil, making it now a total of six Rangers on the side of good.
    • 22. The Trouble with Shellshock

      11 Oct '93
      When the cat's away, the mice will play. As Rita rests, Squatt and Baboo attempt to take charge and send the clumsy Shellshock monster to Angel Grove. The Rangers, with their newest member, Green Ranger Tommy, on their team, must find a way to destroy it, before it destroys the city.
    • 23. Itsy Bitsy Spider

      12 Oct '93
      Rita switches out a Forrest Spirit Statue from Angel Grove park and replaces it with her own- one which holds her latest Spidertron monster inside. He puts a sleeping spell on the entire town of Angel Grove, putting everyone but Zack under a deep sleep, leaving him to face Spidertron alone.
    • 24. The Spit Flower

      19 Oct '93
      With the Angel Grove parade around the corner, Kimberly is assigned to design a flower float for it. However, Rita sends down her putties to trash her completed project as well as unleashing her powerful Spit-Flower monster on the Rangers.
    • 25. Life's a Masquerade

      30 Oct '93
      When the gang attends a costume party, Rita spoils their fun by sending down the Frankenstein monster to crash the party.