• Air date: 01 Jan '15 322 episodes
      The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.
  • List of Episodes (322)
    • 250. Wednesday 2nd October 2019

      02 Oct '19
      Charity wants to take Vanessa out for a meal, but she isn't in the mood. Tracy approaches them, and Charity tries giving her the elbow, but Vanessa wants to hear her out. Tracy suggests they go through Frank's stuff together. Kerry gets a phone call from a journalist from the Hotten Courier who wants to do a feature on the money she raised. She refuses. Nate has arranged with a mate for Butlers Farm to become the main supplier of a gourmet burger place in Hotten.
    • 251. Thursday 3rd October 2019 (Part 1)

      03 Oct '19
      Kerry's paranoid about the interview with the Hotten Courier and has been up since half-five in the morning baking. Amy warns her that it looks out of character. Moira tells Cain that she's going to Gloucester overnight for a cattle auction. Kerry's erratic. Tracy walks out of the house with Kerry's handbag to give her the key, and Kerry snatches the bag from her and Frank's keyring comes flying out of it. Andrea tells Leyla that they have lost one of their main clients.
    • 252. Thursday 3rd October 2019 (Part 2)

      03 Oct '19
      Kerry tries apologising to Tracy. Tracy wants to go and find Amy to find out more information. Kerry reassures her that Amy had nothing to do with it and to leave her out of it. Pete finds Moira's phone and discovers a text from Nate arranging a rendezvous. Rhona tells Kim that one of her horses has colic. Graham's relieved when he's reassured Rhona didn't hear anything and apologises for being so off-hand.
    • 253. Friday 4th October 2019

      04 Oct '19
      Amy cries out Kerry's name, but she's unresponsive. Tracy phones the ambulance and tells them she fell over. Vanessa leaves Rhona in the lurch when she believes looking after the horse is a one-woman job. Rhona pleads with her not to leave her alone with Graham, but Vanessa finds it amusing. The Yorkshire Sweethearts interview is squandering. The contestants bicker over their past marital choices, and Andrea gives them some stern words. Moira tells Nate that she no longer wants to jeopardise her
    • 254. Monday 7th October 2019

      07 Oct '19
      Dan and Amelia turn up at the hospital wanting answers on Kerry's condition. The doctor informs them that she's stable. Kim wants Al to organise high publicity for the press day for the adventure park. Jai's not happy that he wasn't consulted about it, but Kim talks him round. Moira doesn't think she can rely on Pete to remain quiet. Nate plans to have a word. Andrea and Leyla are still game for war for the wedding competition.
    • 255. Tuesday 8th October 2019

      08 Oct '19
      The doctor informs Amy that Kerry has suffered from a rare syndrome known as cardiac tamponade, which caused her to go into arrest. It's Pete's thirty-third birthday. Cain interrogates him on him and Moira's tiff the previous day. Cain isn't too convinced by his excuses. Tracy visits the hospital to see how Kerry's doing. In a mid confrontation with Amy, a police officer turns up at reception.
    • 256. Wednesday 9th October 2019

      09 Oct '19
      Vanessa is released from police custody. Kerry and Amy continue to worry but are relieved when the doctor tells them that Kerry can be discharged today. Dan's suspicious of the two girls after Vanessa's outburst. Pete gives Moira an ultimatum - either end her affair with Nate and he'll stay or carry on, and he's going. She fails to choose. Charity and Tracy pick Vanessa up from the police station. Graham apologises to Rhona for rushing off the previous day.
    • 257. Thursday 10th October 2019 (Part 1)

      10 Oct '19
      Moira turns down a day out with Cain despite him reminding her the previous night, and she agreed. He walks off in a huff. Vanessa is still heated and is preparing all of Kerry's stuff together to get rid off every last speck of her. Charity questions Tracy on her and Pete. She denies that anything's going on, and Vanessa makes it clear that it isn't a good idea for them too. Dan interrogates Kerry on her and Tracy in front of Amelia. Aaron and Robert take Seb out for the day. Nate begs Moira to
    • 258. Thursday 10th October 2019 (Part 2)

      10 Oct '19
      Moira races out of the caravan and Nate rushes after her. He pleads with her to consider, but she tells him that she loves her family, and they need to put a stop on their affair. Vinny interrupts Mandy trying to seduce the solicitor flirtatiously. She suggests he and she should go for a walk around the grounds, but demandingly asks Vinny to notify her if the other Dingle clan return. Kerry puts a stop to Dan pressuring her to reveal what's upsetting her.
    • 259. Tuesday 15th October 2019

      15 Oct '19
      Robert wants to spend all the time he can with Seb while a free man. Al persuades Belle to talk to Ellis to see if he will clear the site up at the adventure park before the floor gets laid. A greedy Jimmy scavenges the house for a tasty snack and happens to come across Doug's pot brownies. Victoria takes Kerry and Amy to the hospital for a check-up and bumps into Luke.
    • 260. Wednesday 16th October 2019

      16 Oct '19
      Robert and Aaron have gone into hiding at a holiday cottage. Aaron is grouchy because he knows they haven't got long until they get caught unless they get to Dover as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, back at the village. Their families are suffering from their absences, and are the ones who are being hounded on by the police. Ellis has become somewhat sophisticated at the adventure park, and Al is pleased that he's offering more of his efforts to the business.
    • 261. Thursday 17th October 2019 (Part 1)

      17 Oct '19
      Everyone's fretting about Liv's whereabouts but keeping discreet because of the police. Moira decides to take Faith's suspicions into her own hands and plans to have a word. Robert records a goodbye message for Diane, and emotions run high between the three on the run. Al and Graham continue to quarrel with one another. Al's not too tender with Ellis when he finds him cut and bruised back at the cottage after Graham reports his absence at the adventure park.
    • 262. Thursday 17th October 2019 (Part 2)

      17 Oct '19
      Chas and Paddy are on route to Starsby layby to meet up with Liv. Paddy promises her to make it his absolute goal for her to see Aaron once more. Meanwhile, Aaron and Liv share a tearful goodbye with another. Moira manages to cover her tracks with Faith and is stunned to find out that Pete is the man Faith's suspicious about. Paddy and Chas are alarmed when they pull up in the layby and realise that DS Wise has been following them. Graham visits Rhona and Leo.
    • 263. Friday 18th October 2019

      18 Oct '19
      Aaron demands to speak to Robert, but the police won't tell him anything. Chas and Paddy are concerned about him distancing himself, with the recent shocking events not properly sinking in. Faith apologises to Moira for getting the wrong impression about her and Pete's relationship. As a way of apologising, she offers to take Isaac to the playgroup. Kim's concerned about Graham's whereabouts when he never came home the night before.
    • 264. Monday 21st October 2019

      21 Oct '19
      Faith turns to the church to expose her deplore of telling Cain about Moira's affair. Chas and Paddy move back into the newly-refurbished Woolpack. The mysterious caller who Aaron turned to for help to break Robert out of prison turns out to be Billy. He refuses to help and informs Paddy of Aaron's ideas. Paddy lures Aaron back to the house under false pretences and locks them both inside, draining the keys down the sink. Faith eventually builds up the courage to tell Cain about Moira's supposed
    • 265. Tuesday 22nd October 2019

      22 Oct '19
      Faith worries about how far Cain's actions will mount and hides the evidence of Pete's bloodstains in the lounge of Butlers Farm. Meanwhile, Moira and Nate get a surprise when Cain turns up at Fentley Lodge, the place they stayed at before the agriculture show, and lures the pair of them into his car under false impressions. They are brought to a bay after Cain announces he has hired out a fishing boat for the day. Moira can sense the strange atmosphere while Nate panics about the fact he can't
    • 266. Wednesday 23rd October 2019

      23 Oct '19
      Moira gets trapped in nets under the water. Nate yells out her name, and pleads with Cain to retrieve her, telling him, he can’t swim. Cain grudgingly dives in the water after her. Marlon coaches Chas through her developing birth. Paddy, along with Aaron, arrive at the pub, still isolated from his wife and upcoming child through the lavatory’s door. Charity comes back from Cornwall. Cain gives Moira air but is unable to free the nets from around her feet.
    • 267. Thursday 24th October 2019 (Part 1)

      24 Oct '19
      A fire investigator turns up at Butlers Farm wanting to interrogate Cain on the boat explosion at Freeman’s Cut Lake. Cain tells him that the blow was accidental, caused by the paraffin brought on board for the stove. Chas and Paddy aren’t too enthusiastic on Bear’s suggestions for names for the baby. Charity is the sender of bad news when she informs the family of recent events. Moira and Nate have been taken into Hotten General. The consultant informs Moira that she will be discharged
    • 268. Thursday 24th October 2019 (Part 2)

      24 Oct '19
      Despite Nate provoking him to kill him, Cain struggles to comprehend and drops the pillow when Nate reveals his mother’s identity – Cara Robinson. A tense confrontation occurs outside the court when Wendy doesn’t believe she’s got the justice she deserved for Lee’s death. Both parties are shocked when Victoria reveals what she and Luke have been up to. As Wendy rattles on, Aaron goes for her and Liv has to step in to stop him. Luke tries apologising to Victoria, and a hurt Victoria
    • 269. Friday 25th October 2019

      25 Oct '19
      Sarah comforts Faith who's waiting for the church to open. Faith wonders if it's too late to sort things with Cain. A dark Cain refuses to make amends with Moira before telling Chas that if Faith doesn't leave Emmerdale, he will. As Moira buries herself with work, Amy arrives to pick up Kyle and scolds her for the affair with Nate. Faith tells Nate she wants to build bridges, but Nate's bitter.
    • 270. Monday 28th October 2019

      28 Oct '19
      Mandy receives a text from Terry saying he wants cash only. She's struggling to log back into Lydia's bank account. Lydia interrogates Samson on Vinny's strange behaviour. Samson warns Vinny and tells him that he overheard everything about Terry. Aaron's secluding himself from the world and Liv is worried about him. Meanwhile, Chas is finding it hard to breastfeed Eve with the stress of recent events. Cain is finding comfort with drinking himself into oblivion. Pete is on the receiving end when
    • 271. Tuesday 29th October 2019

      29 Oct '19
      Mandy and Vinny have taken a pitch in Demdyke Woods for the night. They plan what to do next, but are frustrated to realise the van's ignition is broken. Lydia tries to wrack her brains around who left her the money. She wants to phone the police, but Sam is keen to follow the rules of the Dingle code and is against the idea. A troubled Chas is lost in thought. She pretends like she's okay, but Paddy's worried. A thoughtful Victoria tells a hopeful Liv that she has an idea to help Aaron get
    • 272. Wednesday 30th October 2019

      30 Oct '19
      Kim is threatening over Graham but remaining subtle to anyone who notices her suffering. Mandy and Vinny try everything to get into Lydia's good books. Lydia believes that everything they've told the family is one big made-up story. Samson tries defending their corner, but Lydia can't believe anything that comes out of their mouths. Noah and Sarah try smooth talking Charity into letting them have a Halloween party, but fail. Gabby and Leanna suggest they throw one in the salon and steal alcohol
    • 273. Thursday 31st October 2019 (Part 1)

      31 Oct '19
      Jamie tells Andrea that Rhona is Graham's mystery woman and he wants to tell Kim. Andrea thinks he is getting ahead of himself but is unable to talk him out of it. Arthur is feeling threatened and annoyed when Archie is treated with more compassion and is allowed longer time using the gadgets. Doug arranges a meet-up with Rodney when he tells him he has found some weed in the pirate ship. Preparations are in full swing for the Halloween party and Kim is on the receiving end of a cold reception
    • 274. Thursday 31st October 2019 (Part 2)

      31 Oct '19
      Kim can't bear to believe Graham's accusations against Jamie and calls him a liar. However, when Jamie is lost for words when Graham prompts him to confess, it becomes apparent to Kim that he was indeed responsible for sending her to prison. Racked with betrayal, she storms out of the bar. Luke tries apologising to Victoria and make her believe he was truly oblivious to who she was. A furious Aaron sends him on his way and warns him to keep himself and his family away from the village. Marlon