• Air date: 02 Apr '06 48 episodes
      Our heroes and the members of D.A.T.S. ("Digital Accident Tactics Squad"), an organization created to conceal the existence of the Digital World and Digimon from the rest of mankind, are facing a massive conflict between Earth and the Digital World triggered by an ambitious human scientist determined to make use of the Digimon for his own personal gain.
  • List of Episodes (48)
    • 26. Masaru's Memory is Erased - The Lost Bond

      08 Oct '06
      The DATS team returns to the real world, only to find that Sampson and the others are missing. Chief Hashiba surrounds them and dismisses them from DATS, since Kurata lied to the government, and the memories of Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshi are erased. The Digimon are held captive in a jail cell. The rest of the team are also in cells. Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshi live a normal life, until the Digimon escape and persuade them that they used to be a team. Marcus and the others don't believe this at
    • 27. Chase Kurata - The Operation of Digimon Extermination Begins!

      15 Oct '06
      With DATS HQ destroyed and Kurata on his way to the Digital World, the DATS seek out Dr. Crier to ask him to reactivate his digital gate. When they go through, they end up running into Kurata's henchmen: Kouki, Nanami, and Ivan. When their Bio Digimon forms prove too powerful for the DATS to handle, Sampson and Kudamon appear to help out.
    • 28. Evolution is Impossible! The Digivices Break Down

      22 Oct '06
      The gang appears in the Digital World and head towards Cherrymon's forest for an information gathering. However, a swarm of Gizumon XT appears where Kurata gains the upper hand and the DATS members are saved by BanchoLeomon. He tells the group to "Search for power" and disappears. When they reach Cherrymon's forest, Kouki, Nanami, and Ivan attack.
    • 29. Resurrecting Digivices - A New Brilliance

      29 Oct '06
      After their Digivice iC broke, Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshi stumble onto a gym where BanchoLeomon trains them. Can they master their ultimate DNA Charge when Kouki, Nanami, and Ivan attack?
    • 30. An Imprisoned Masaru - The Holy City's Trap

      05 Nov '06
      The DATS arrive at the Holy Capital, but once inside are quickly captured and placed in an arena for execution. There, they meet once again with an old acquaintance who they thought missing. Thankfully, the moment that Marcus displays his DNA, the Digimon set them free, as they realize Marcus is Spencer Damon's son who all remember him for his heroic deeds to them. Unfortunately, celebrations are short-lived when a squad of Gizumon comes to raid the city, but catastrophe is prevented thanks to
    • 31. Genius Showdown! Tohma vs. Nanami

      12 Nov '06
      Both the DATS and the inhabitants of the Holy Capital are preparing for the impending battle. When news arrive that Kurata's camp has been discovered, Marcus takes the initiative to strike a head on assault, but Thomas disagrees since it may be a trap. However, Thomas feels underappreciated witnessing how all the Digimon support Marcus. The forces split with Marcus and Keenan going to engage Kurata while Yoshi and Thomas stay to protect the city. Nanami makes her presence known to Thomas,
    • 32. Fiercely Attack Kurata's Army Corps - Protect the Holy Capitol

      19 Nov '06
      Nanami accomplished to drain all the water in the lake, where ElDoradimon rests, drained thus preventing any means of mobility to the Holy Capital. With the fortress's defenses down, Ivan directs a frontal assault but is soon detained by Yoshi and Rosemon. However, the two of them are in for a surprise when they witness that Ivan has gained a power boost.
    • 33. The Final Decisive Battle! Kouki, Ultimate Evolution

      26 Nov '06
      By incapacitating ElDoradimons' movements, Kurata opened up a massive digital gate that sucks the titanic Digimon along with all its inhabitants to realise into the human world. Once more in the human world, Kouki challenges both Marcus and Agumon for a final showdown to determine the stronger fighter between both. Meanwhile, the other DATS and the digimon citizens are busy fending off the Holy Capital from the intruding Gizumon. However, Kurata again outsmarts his foes ordering the Gizumon to
    • 34. The Day of Parting - The Strongest Enemy: Tohma!

      03 Dec '06
      ElDoradimon was annihilated by Kurata's Gizlance, and to complicate matters more, Thomas and Gaomon have mysteriously vanished. In fact, Thomas returned to his estranged father and sister, Relena, but the welcome is cold when Thomas' father presents his benefactor none other than Kurata. In exchange for treating Relena's illness, Kurata persuades Thomas to seal an agreement. The remaining DATS are desperately searching for any Digimon survivors, until Thomas appears and much to Marcus' shock and
    • 35. The Power of Destruction - ShineGreymon Runs Wild

      10 Dec '06
      Because Thomas has pledged allegiance to Kurata, Marcus' fueled with a feeling of deep hatred in his heart to destroy his opponent at any cost that causes him to invoke a Dark-DNA Charge triggering on ShineGreymon to digivolve into Ruin Mode. Fortunately, Kristy arrives to stop Marcus, and he sees the error of his ways but is too late to stop ShineGreymon's rampage. Feeling hopeless, Marcus sheds tears streaming onto his digivice causing ShineGreymon to come into its senses and revert back to
    • 36. Demon Lord Belphemon Revives

      17 Dec '06
      Kurata unleashes Belphemon on the city, causing Yoshi, Keenan, Miki, and Megumi to confront him. Thomas double-crosses Kurata, forcing him to become a pure DNA, and fires himself at Belphemon, who in turn transforms into Rage Mode. As Marcus races off with Agumon's digi-egg in hand, can he make it time to assist the others?
    • 37. Awake, Agumon - Defeat Belphemon!

      24 Dec '06
      In an attempt to defeat Belphemon, Keenan's DNA Charge allows Falcomon to digivolve into Ravemon. Unfortunately, it isn't enough to stop the rampaging Demon Lord. Will Agumon hatch from his digi-egg in time to assist the others and defeat Belphemon once and for all?
    • 38. Burst Mode - The Power that Exceeds Ultimate

      07 Jan '07
      To everyone's shock Kurata is well alive within Belphemon and has the demon lord to absorb all the electricity of the city to open a space rift. Thomas alerts everyone that Kurata intends to blow up both human and digital worlds. Everything seems hopeless for the DATS, but Marcus' words rekindle their spirits, that regardless of being human or Digimon everybody present is the DATS team who fight to protect their loved ones. This determination dawns upon Marcus and ShineGreymon the miraculous
    • 39. Human World Terminated! Yggdrasil's Decision

      14 Jan '07
      Craniummon is briefed by Yggdrasil about all the events that occurred up to now while Marcus and the others protect the citzens from the onslaught of lightning from the Digital World. In addition, BanchoLeomon makes the ultimate sacrifice...
    • 40. The Strongest Order of Knights - The Royal Knights Gather

      21 Jan '07
      As Marcus and the others make their way to the Digital World, they end up crashing into a shoreline. To their surprise, they find Gotsumon there, reborn and without his old memories. Gotsumon agrees to lead them to Yggdrasil, but along the way, they are attacked by Craniummon. Just as ShineGreymon gains the upper hand, Gallantmon and the other Royal Knights show up and defeat him. Yggdrasil reveals himself, but Marcus, determined to not give up, throws a punch at him, only to find the shock of
    • 41. Confirm it with a Fist! Thoughts of My Father

      28 Jan '07
      The DATS team arrive back in the human world, thanks to Sleipmon, who is none other than Commander Sampson's Kudamon. Gallantmon attacks the human world and makes short work of MirageGaogamon, Rosemon, Ravemon, RookChessmon, and BishopChessmon. Even armed with the Geo Grey Sword, ShineGreymon proves no match for the Royal Knight either. It is then that a badly injured Sleipmon challenges Gallantmon, but at what cost?
    • 42. The Burst Mode of Tohma's Determination

      04 Feb '07
      In order to learn Spencer's true intentions, Marcus and ShineGreymon head once again to the Digital World. However, Thomas and the others stay in the human world to fend off the Royal Knights' ongoing attack with Crusadermon this time directing the assault. In the battle, Thomas once again comes across his father, Franz, and Relena....
    • 43. Indeed Strength is Justice! Beast Knight Duftmon

      11 Feb '07
      Biyomon returns to the Damon household with numerous Fresh and In-Training Digimon in tow. Yoshi and Keenan help out in taking care of them, despite all of the headache-inducing antics of the childish Digimon. Duftmon, under the orders of Yggdrasil, attacks the real world nearby the Damon household. Rosemon and Ravemon do their best to stop the Royal Knight but fail. However, both go through Burst Digivolution and defeat Duftmon once and for all.
    • 44. Break! Craniummon's Strongest Shield

      25 Feb '07
      The DATS team climb Yggdrasil's headquarters, confronting odd crystals that repel their attacks. Leaving the others behind, Marcus, Agumon, and Gotsumon confront Yggdrasil. Meanwhile, Craniummon heads to the real world and confronts Garudamon. Back to Yggdrassil, Marcus confronts him but is repeled by a force field. It is then that through the revelation of all his friends supporting him, Marcus overpowers Yggdrassil. Just as Yggdrassil lies defeated, Marcus tries to approach him but is
    • 45. The One-on-One Match Between Men! Masaru vs. Suguru

      04 Mar '07
      The DATS team climb Yggdrasil's headquarters, confronting odd crystals that repel their attacks. Leaving the others behind, Marcus, Agumon, and Gotsumon confront Yggdrasil. Meanwhile, Craniummon heads to the real world and confronts Garudamon. Back to Yggdrassil, Marcus confronts him but is repeled by a force field. It is then that through the revelation of all his friends supporting him, Marcus overpowers Yggdrassil. Just as Yggdrassil lies defeated, Marcus tries to approach him but is
    • 46. Impact! The Truth About Bantyo Leomon

      11 Mar '07
      Craniummon freed BanchoLeomon and took over his place to hold the Digital World from falling onto the human world. It is BanchoLeomon who stops Marcus from getting closer to Yggdrassil and reveals the stunning truth that it is in fact Spencer in the digimon's body while his body is taken over by Ygddrasil. Spencer-BanchoLeomon tells the DATS team how during his past exploits in the Digital World met BanchoLeomon, who both become friends with their fists, and the truth about Yggdrassil's
    • 47. Protect the Future! DATS' Final Battle

      18 Mar '07
      After BanchoLeomon and Spencer's destruction, Yggdrasil changes to a fighting mode and heads to the Real World to eliminate it. The DATS team follows and engages it in a furious clash, but Yggdrasil easily overpowers them all even at their Burst Digivolution stages. Fueled by their strong bond to protect their beloved ones, regardless of being human or digimon, the DATS all together rise their DNAs into the sky with a cry that is answered by the rest of the digimon on earth and the Royal Knights
    • 48. A Complete Conclusion! Farewell, the Leader of Fights

      25 Mar '07
      Adults, children, and digimon all over town invoke the light of their DNAs to answer DATS' plea for help. When the hearts of all humans and digimon become one, Marcus & Agumon activate Burst Mode and are able to deal the decisive punch to destroy Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil concedes defeat, acknowledging that humans and digimon hold potential for growth as long as both stand together. The collision between both worlds stops, and all DATS are reunited with their loved ones in celebration. Marcus and