Very good plot. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Great start to 2016.
Everest- you beauty
My eye just pops out when I see the Mt. Everest. For the most of us who will never climb the Everest, the movie gives us an experience of being amidst the mountain (watch it in IMAX, mind it!) The story is really compelling and is based on a real life event from 1996, let me not spill the beans for you regarding the story-line. "Never Let Go" Rarely do movies inspire me, but this one did.
Boy oh boy , they have just crossed all the bars, broken all the records and myths by just brining one of the coolest show ever seen in the history of Online Series not just in India but amongst all. This show rocks, everyone has to see this once. Ill tell you what just start with first episode and believe you me , you are going to get addicted.

Don't leave your brain at home
I felt like a kid watching this movie. Wanting to ponder over whatever memory I had remaining of physics. It felt like being lost in a different world. Very rarely have there been movies that have so much intellect. Christopher Nolan has craved it to perfection. This is a must-watch for all school kids, definitely makes you realize the beauty of physics.
Well, at some point, I thought the movie was nonsensical. But, that was because of my lack of knowledge on physics (never really liked that subject very much :P ) Later, I learnt from my friends about how things were moving, I was amazed to learn that. This movie makes you think, think harder.. !! And, rightly said - 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.' - That describes the movie so aptly.