A story of everybody
A fun series that depicts the high school lives of some kids. It's a highly relatable story for many of us. When you are in school, you see yourself as either a "geek" or a "freak". The ones who believe themselves to be "geeks", tries to become one of the seemingly cool kids, "freaks". But the freaks have their own problems and in many ways are jealous of the geeks. One thing that people fail to realise is that everyone has their own freak and geek personas. The whole show is about people discovering their alter being.
Nobody is born a "freak" or a "geek". It's the environment that normally influences what you are, at a point of time. Being a "freak" or a "geek" also depends on the person judging you. Life isn't absolute. It's what you make of it. It's about the way we see ourselves. You want one thing your entire life but you may end up not getting that, or once you get that, you realise it isn't as good as you thought it would be. That's life. The perspective with which you see it is what actually matters. Everything else is an illusion. Life is about making the most of whatever situation you are in, because however bad your situation is, there always are people worse off than you.
The show also goes into relationships. People find themselves to be in love with others based on their external appearance or their sophisticated character that they observe from a distance. But once they become close, they realise it's all been an illusion. They are completely different to what they thought they would be! People find the so called "true love" only when they get to know each other. You can't love a person having entirely different interests to you. You dont want to spend the entire life adjusting to things you aren't interested in. Being happy is costly. The cost may be the literal expense of this materialistic world, or a psychological sacrifice that can be realistically done. But people doesn't give enough thought about the second kind of cost. It's the cost that people should try paying. It's the cost that everyone has the access to.
The character development for many of the characters are solid, yet some of them feels incomplete, which mostly stems from the fact that the creators had more seasons planned for the show while creation of the season 1. It's a shame that a season 2 never came about. It's been an enjoyable ride through the cute, yet harsh journey everyone eventually goes through. Be happy, cause we are all freaks as well as geeks.
Sreehari PA
The greatest TV show of all time. Absolutely mind blown.